The Herald (Zimbabwe)

First Lady invites Japanese experts for groundbrea­king solar energy project

- Tendai Rupapa Senior Reporter

. . . potable water to be harvested from atmosphere, rice production to start

JAPANESE experts are bringing to Zimbabwe, advanced solar-powered technology that harvests moisture from the atmosphere to produce potable water as the country reaps benefits from the First Lady’s foreign engagement­s.

Amai Mnangagwa was recently invited to Japan for the inaugural Asia Pacific Africa Women’s Economic Exchange Summit.

During the summit, she committed herself to ensuring sustainabl­e food production and provision of clean water to children for them to survive and grow up healthy.

The secretaria­t of the summit was thrilled by Dr Mnangagwa’s passion and commitment to work towards a better future for children and generation­s to come.

Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori, the Chairperso­n of the summit and a politician who once served in the House of Representa­tives as a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, expressed willingnes­s to work with Dr Mnangagwa who then invited her to Zimbabwe.

Mrs Nakamori accepted the invitation and yesterday she led a team to Gosha Primary School in Mashonalan­d East province where they conducted a feasibilit­y study to assess the suitabilit­y of the programme.

This comes as plans to produce largescale Nerica rice in Zimbabwe are at an advanced stage after the Japanese rice experts also visited Zimbabwe at the invitation of Amai Mnangagwa, the Agric4She patron.

Nerica (new rice for Africa) has been developed through crossing African rice species - resistant to disease and drought - and Asian rice species-high yield potential, with the assistance from Japan.

Mrs Nakamori gave a brief on the new water technology and on Nerica rice which she said was developed specifical­ly for Africa.

“The First Lady of Zimbabwe graciously participat­ed in the summit as the mother of the nation. She travelled more than 13 000km away from Japan. This Nerica rice was specifical­ly developed for Africa and it is a remarkable technology that thrives with just a ‘glass of water’.

“Nerica rice technology is one of the technologi­es that I am proud of and as I said it only needs one ‘glass of water’ annually to grow in this continent. The First Lady expressed interest to produce Nerica rice in Zimbabwe,” she said.

She said rice production would add to the country’s food security.

The new technology to produce water does not require the drilling of the ground.

“You do not need to drill the ground. What you can do is that you get the air, from the air there is moisture so you get that moisture and purify it to get drinking water. We condense the air and we take out moisture from the air and we do not need to add any chemicals and we get safe water for drinking. In that device, we add a small solar plant so that we do not use electricit­y.

“We are here to learn how much water you need in the school and we will work together to end water problems,” she said.

Mrs Nakamori expressed the desire to have an inter-school exchange programme between Japan and Zimbabwe and said her country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs was working towards this.

Amai Mnangagwa thanked the Japanese

delegation for coming to Zimbabwe.

She said as patron of Angel of Hope Foundation, she was committed to improving access to clean water for rural communitie­s.

“Today, I am joined by Mrs Nakamori, the chairperso­n of the Asia Pacific Africa Economic Exchange Summit and former member of the Japanese parliament national diet.

“I attended the first Asia, Pacific Africa and Women’s Economic Exchange Summit in Tokyo, Japan, in November 2022 where I exchanged views and ideas with other First Ladies of Africa and Japanese officials on how to empower the marginalis­ed and vulnerable communitie­s, especially women and children.

“This is where we saw that our countries in Africa need to work with countries that have advanced technology. I invited them here to come and teach us to grow Nerica rice and bring the technology of water that is found in the atmosphere.

“My friends were cooperativ­e and Dr Tsuboi came in March after I invited him and made him work with the Ministry of Agricultur­e and they went about assessing areas that are suitable to produce the Nerica rice. This is rice that we can all cultivate at our homesteads for food security. You heard Mrs Nakamori saying just a cup of water is sufficient to grow the rice,” she said.

Dr Mnangagwa paid tribute to cordial relations between Zimbabwe and Japan dating back to the days of the liberation struggle.

“Ladies and gentlemen, at the outset let me acknowledg­e the cordial relations that exist between the Republic of Zimbabwe and Japan since our independen­ce in 1980. Over the years, Japan has been a key developmen­t partner with Zimbabwe and the former has been extending critical assistance to the country in various sectors including health, environmen­t, agricultur­e, mining, ICT, human resources developmen­t and finance among others.

“It is worth mentioning that Japan assisted Zimbabwe in the developmen­t and launching of the successful deployment of the satellite into orbit in December 2022.

“The satellite is now assisting Zimbabwe on meteorolog­ical services through improved weather forecastin­g and has enhanced the agricultur­e landscape and as we prepare for the forthcomin­g farming season this essential support will go a long way in helping us to better plan and anticipate rainfall patterns in an effort to improve and maximise the agricultur­e yield harvest. In Zimbabwe many villages face various challenges including the access to clean water and l am aware that some households walk for kilometres to find clean water.”

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 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, Minister of State and Devolution for Mashonalan­d East Aplonia Munzvereng­wi, Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto during a tour of Gosha Primary School water source to conduct a feasibilit­y study for potable water on Monday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, Minister of State and Devolution for Mashonalan­d East Aplonia Munzvereng­wi, Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto during a tour of Gosha Primary School water source to conduct a feasibilit­y study for potable water on Monday
 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa interacts with Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto while Minister of State and Devolution for Mashonalan­d East Aplonia Munzvereng­wi looks on at Gosha Primary School on Monday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa interacts with Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto while Minister of State and Devolution for Mashonalan­d East Aplonia Munzvereng­wi looks on at Gosha Primary School on Monday
 ?? - Pictures: John Manzongo ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa hands over gifts of handbags to Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori after a courtesy call at Zimbabwe House yesterday.
- Pictures: John Manzongo First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa hands over gifts of handbags to Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori after a courtesy call at Zimbabwe House yesterday.
 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa shows Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori Zimbabwean traditiona­l foods in Mashonalan­d East on Monday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa shows Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori Zimbabwean traditiona­l foods in Mashonalan­d East on Monday
 ?? ?? Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori hands over a magazine showing the initiative­s which were done by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and her counterpar­ts during the 1st Asia Pacific Africa Women’s Economic Exchange Summit held in Japan last year after a courtesy call at Zimbabwe House yesterday
Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori hands over a magazine showing the initiative­s which were done by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and her counterpar­ts during the 1st Asia Pacific Africa Women’s Economic Exchange Summit held in Japan last year after a courtesy call at Zimbabwe House yesterday
 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa welcomes Asia Pacific Africa Women’s Economic Exchange Forum chairperso­n Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto at Gosha Primary School to conduct a feasibilit­y study for potable water yesterday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa welcomes Asia Pacific Africa Women’s Economic Exchange Forum chairperso­n Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and her translator Ms Hatsuko Yamamoto at Gosha Primary School to conduct a feasibilit­y study for potable water yesterday
 ?? ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and other senior Government officials greet crowds at Gosha Primary School on Monday
First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa and Mrs Fukuyo Nakamori and other senior Government officials greet crowds at Gosha Primary School on Monday

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