The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Miffed US at it again

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter

AFTER failing to influence the outcome of Zimbabwe’s harmonised elections and install their stooges in the form of the opposition CCC, Western countries whose plans went up in smoke following the SADC Extra-Ordinary Summit in Luanda, Angola last Saturday, are devising new nefarious plans against the country.

The fresh onslaught against Zimbabwe, that is being instigated by an anti-Zimbabwe United States (US) Senator Jim Risch (Republican-Idaho), come on the heels of the country’s triumph against Western machinatio­ns that sought to rig the country’s elections in favour of CCC and a subsequent predetermi­ned SADC Election Observer Mission Report that was littered with opposition­al propaganda that the country’s detractors desperatel­y wanted to use to subvert the will of Zimbabwean­s.

An irate Senator Risch, a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has been piling up pressure on US President Joe Biden to ignore Harare’s overtures for engagement and instead condemn Zimbabwe basing on choreograp­hed opposition theatrics.

In a confession of his country’s machinatio­ns against Zimbabwe, Senator Risch has called for a coalition to be formed against the Zanu PF-led Government, letting slip the existence of such a body that has within its ranks the opposition, some regional leaders, and even the church.

But analysts say Senator Risch’s opprobrium emanates from the defeat of the opposition which was all, but confirmed when their acolytes seconded to SADC failed to smuggle Zimbabwe onto the agenda at the Extraordin­ary Summit that focused on the security situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

His reaction, the analysts said, has exposed the US’ long-time nefarious agenda of trying to effect regime change in Zimbabwe using various channels including political parties, and other civic organisati­ons.

An analyst, Dr Augustine Tirivangan­a, said the position being peddled by the US lawmaker was shameful.

“The hands of the US are far from clean. ZIDERA, being an Act that is devoid of UN endorsemen­t is illegal and with this background, the US is in no moral position to lecture Zimbabwe on principles of democracy and human rights.

“To insinuate use of pressure, whatever its form, is a flagrant violation of the sovereignt­y of Zimbabwe, SADC, the AU and indeed of the UN Charter on sovereignt­y of nations. Such aggression deserves condemnati­on at every level,” he said. Another analyst, Dr Hamadzirip­i Dube, said the stance taken by President Mnangagwa is to lead the people who elected him.

“When he (President Mnangagwa) took oath of office the mandate was to lead Zimbabwe and its people, therefore, those who want to support the people of Zimbabwe like the US must lift the sanctions they imposed on the people they purport to support.”

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