The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Infrastruc­ture goals on target: VP Chiwenga

- Mukudzei Chingwere Herald Reporter

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa is walking the talk on driving the country towards an empowered upper-middle income economy by 2030 through fostering and championin­g the requisite infrastruc­ture developmen­t, in line with such an advanced economy, Vice President Dr Constantin­o Chiwenga has said.

He said this yesterday at the commission­ing of the National Oil Infrastruc­ture Company of Zimbabwe ethanol storage and handling facility in Mabvuku, Harare.

A functionin­g economy especially one as envisioned by President Mnangagwa, needs national fuel security as fuel is a key component of economic developmen­t and such storage and handling facilities as the one commission­ed yesterday, were a vital addition to the country’s national infrastruc­tural architectu­re, said VP Chiwenga.

“This is a milestone event in line with the Second Republic’s thrust of infrastruc­tural developmen­t, and security of fuel supply in Zimbabwe,” said VP Chiwenga.

“The President identified infrastruc­tural developmen­t as a key driver for accelerate­d attainment of Vision 2030. The President laid out a clear vision of taking the country to a prosperous and empowered upper-middle income society by 2030.

“Under the National Developmen­t Strategy 1, infrastruc­tural developmen­t and fuel security are some of the cornerston­es of achieving the 2030 Vision.

“As a nation, we are proud of the successful constructi­on of the ethanol tanks as they not only improve fuel infrastruc­ture, but they also contribute to security of fuel supply.

“We are all aware that the President has restated that the country is committed to reducing emissions by 40 percent as it joins global efforts in containing climate change-induced by human activities.

“Ethanol production and use as a fuel therefore becomes very crucial in the fight against the devastatin­g impacts of climate change. Using ethanol to reduce petroleum consumptio­n does not only protect our environmen­t, it also continues to strengthen national security of fuel supply and reduce transport cost for businesses and consumers,” said VP Chiwenga.

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