The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘Diplomatic missions are not holiday resorts’

● Envoys challenged to deliver tangible results

- Blessings Chidakwa Herald Reporter ◆ Full story on

DIPLOMATIC postings must never be mistaken for holiday resorts but rather are platforms to deliver traceable results through upscaling trade relations that benefit Zimbabwe while increasing its global visibility, President Mnangagwa has said.

This is in tandem with the country’s foreign policy thrust which now includes the key pillar of internatio­nal investment­s and is in congruence with the national vision to become an upper middle class economy by 2030.

As Zimbabwe continues to engage and re-engage all nations of the world, the President has reminded his Ambassador­s that their country, despite being a friend to all and an enemy to none, is not a second class nation.

Spelling out his vision to the country’s Ambassador­s and Consul Generals at State House in Harare yesterday, President Mnangagwa said it was the diplomats’ duty to popularise the country’s policies especially the “Zimbabwe is open for business mantra”.

As members of the diplomatic service, he said, they are a vital cog of his administra­tion and through their individual and collective skills, as well as love for the country, Vision 2030 will be a reality.

“I, therefore, challenge you to work harder to produce tangible outcomes and results that impact on the overall growth of our country’s GDP and improved quality of life for our people.

“Diplomatic stations are not holiday resorts; you must work and deliver traceable results for the country. None but ourselves will build the Zimbabwe we all want. You must play your part,” President Mnangagwa said.

“Let us remain mindful that we are Zimbabwean­s in both thought and deeds. The Second Republic is about action and results. I expect to see increased investment­s, tourists and trade coming to Zimbabwe from your countries of accreditat­ion.”

He said consolidat­ing the country’s position as an independen­t and sovereign country that is marching towards a modern, industrial­ised and prosperous status must continue to be the main focus of diplomats as they return to their various stations.

 ?? — Picture: Innocent Makawa ?? President Mnangagwa poses for a photograph with Zimbabwe’s heads of diplomatic missions at State House in Harare yesterday.
— Picture: Innocent Makawa President Mnangagwa poses for a photograph with Zimbabwe’s heads of diplomatic missions at State House in Harare yesterday.
 ?? — Pictures: Eliah Saushoma ?? The President inspects a parade at the ZPCS Ntabazindu­na Training Depot graduation ceremony in Matabelela­nd North Province yesterday.
— Pictures: Eliah Saushoma The President inspects a parade at the ZPCS Ntabazindu­na Training Depot graduation ceremony in Matabelela­nd North Province yesterday.
 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa addresses delegates at the ZPCS Ntabazindu­na Training Depot graduation ceremony in Matabelela­nd North Province yesterday
President Mnangagwa addresses delegates at the ZPCS Ntabazindu­na Training Depot graduation ceremony in Matabelela­nd North Province yesterday

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