The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Light isolated thundersho­wers expected: MSD

- Remember Deketeke Herald Reporter

THUNDERSHO­WERS are anticipate­d in Harare Metropolit­an, some parts of the Midlands, Bulawayo Metropolit­an and Manicaland, the Meteorolog­ical Services Department has said.

This comes as some parts of the country received rains yesterday with Rusape and Macheke receiving heavy downpours.

In an update yesterday, the MSD said localised heavy downpours coupled with strong winds are probable in some places.

“All other areas should be partly cloudy with mild conditions in the morning becoming warmer by the afternoon,” said the department.

The country has been experienci­ng isolated showers in different areas.

According to the MSD, on Tuesday, most parts of the country experience­d scattered thundersho­wers especially in Masvingo and Manicaland.

“The highest rainfall amounts recorded for the day (Tuesday) were 40mm at Mutare, 18mm at Zaka, 14mm at Bulawayo, 13mm at Mukandi and 12mm at Chipinge Met stations,” said the MSD.

Yesterday, Matabelela­nd South, Masvingo, Manicaland, some parts of the Midlands, Harare Metropolit­an and Mashonalan­d East experience­d cloudy conditions throughout the day while isolated thundersho­wers occurred across all Mashonalan­d provinces, some parts of the Midlands and Manicaland with localised heavy downpours in Rusape and Macheke.

The department said the rainfall was erratic in nature, still widely spaced in time and place.

The MSD urged the public to ensure they wear hats when working outdoors and to keep well hydrated.

“Water harvesting is essential whenever possible; please have the requisite means to achieve this.

“Plan with the weather in mind. Stay weather ready and climate smart. Early planting is only recommende­d for those with means of irrigating,” said the department.

Farmers were advised to monitor the temperatur­e within fowl-runs and adjust heat accordingl­y to reduce bird mortality.

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