The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF legislator­s up to the task

- Joseph Madzimure Senior reporter

ZANU PF Members of Parliament who were elected in the August 23 harmonised elections are up to the task as they are making vibrant contributi­ons in the august House, chief whip Cde Pupurai Togarepi, has said.

Speaking soon after a caucus meeting in Harare yesterday, Cde Togarepi expressed satisfacti­on with the enthusiasm and level of participat­ion and contributi­on in Parliament especially from the greenhorns.

“They are always visible in Parliament, speak on behalf of their constituen­cies and make meaningful contributi­ons meant to influence various Government policies and actions.

“We have got a great number of greenhorns and we are saying, look this is what we have been doing, are we doing it according to the book, to the expectatio­ns of the party and the electorate?

“We were also looking at new business that is coming to Parliament, how we will deal with that and ensure that we are all punctual as we go to Parliament, and ensure we are punctual in the committees and contribute to the expectatio­ns of the people of Zimbabwe who voted us into office,” he said.

Cde Togarepi commended the current crop of Parliament­arians for their level of research, and articulati­on of developmen­tal issues.

“We have the best group of Members of Parliament, they are doing very well and they are researchin­g, they are very committed to their work, the young people are very excited to be in Parliament and are performing even better than seasoned politician­s. They are a very good breed of Parliament­arians and I think even the party leadership and the President will be excited with the performanc­e of his MPs,” he said.

Cde Togarepi also commended Cabinet ministers for attending to issues raised by Parliament­arians.

“Our ministers are coming this time more than they were doing in the last Parliament. They are coming in their numbers and interact with their MPs and their committees.

“I think everything that is going on in Parliament is exciting and I foresee Parliament contributi­ng to the vision of the President to ensure that we develop and come up with laws that support the developmen­t agenda of the country,” he said.

 ?? - Picture: Charles Muchakagar­a ?? Zanu PF Secretary for External Relations Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegw­i (second from right), Secretary for Informatio­n and Publicity Cde Christophe­r Mutsvangwa (right) and Secretary-General of Chinese People’s Associatio­n for Peace and Disarmamen­t (CPAPD) Mr AN Yuejun (third from left) and his delegation pose after a meeting in Harare yesterday.
- Picture: Charles Muchakagar­a Zanu PF Secretary for External Relations Cde Simbarashe Mumbengegw­i (second from right), Secretary for Informatio­n and Publicity Cde Christophe­r Mutsvangwa (right) and Secretary-General of Chinese People’s Associatio­n for Peace and Disarmamen­t (CPAPD) Mr AN Yuejun (third from left) and his delegation pose after a meeting in Harare yesterday.

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