The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Minister Muswere tours New Ziana


INFORMATIO­N, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere on Wednesday toured New Ziana, the country’s official news agency, to familiaris­e himself with its operations.

He was accompanie­d by the Ministry’s permanent secretary, Ndavaningi Nick Mangwana, and other senior officials.

Since his appointmen­t three months ago, Dr Muswere has been touring various media houses in the country, to familiaris­e himself with their operations and challenges.

Wednesday’s tour also took him to the Zimbabwe Film and Television School of Southern Africa, which falls under the Ministry, and to the privately-owned ZiFM radio station.

Speaking after the tour, Dr Muswere said President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administra­tion had achieved a lot in liberalisi­ng the local media landscape for the benefit of the public.

“So much is being achieved by the new dispensati­on and part of the achievemen­ts also include the legislativ­e framework that has been set which includes the Zimbabwe Media Commission Act, the Freedom of Informatio­n Act and we are also working on amendments in terms of ensuring that we create diversity,” he said.

Dr Muswere said President Mnangagwa’s administra­tion had also done very well in terms of economic and social developmen­ts which the media should highlight.

“We have a collective responsibi­lity to broadcast, to entertain, to educate the nation in terms of what the government is doing in order to deliver Vision 2030 and what the government is also doing in order to achieve (developmen­t) be it political, social or economic. So much is being achieved in the new dispensati­on,” he said.

 ?? ?? Minister Muswere
Minister Muswere

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