The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Indigenous firm wins best contractor award

- Herald Reporter

ZIMBUILD has been named the country’s best building contractor with Fossil Contractin­g and Tensor Systems as runners up at a time the country is experienci­ng a boom in the sector.

Zimbuild chief executive officer and former Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce president Dr Tinashe Manzungu accepted the award at a recent ceremony in Victoria Falls.

Zimbuild specialise­s in infrastruc­ture developmen­t including residentia­l, commercial, and industrial constructi­on.

“Employing local companies has a huge benefit to the economy in that while you improve infrastruc­ture, you will be also promoting local participat­ion in economic activities and the positive results have not gone unnoticed,” said Dr Manzungu.

“The biggest advantages of hiring locally is that it creates jobs and provides training opportunit­ies that would not otherwise be available. It has also helped the massive growth of local companies.”

Dr Manzungu said the award acknowledg­es hard work, dedication, and expertise of the company’s entire team.

“It demonstrat­es that our efforts and contributi­ons to the constructi­on industry have been acknowledg­ed and appreciate­d by industry experts and peers. Zimbuild actively collaborat­es with the Government to align our projects with the priorities set forth in NDS1. We are doing roads and we place a strong emphasis on job creation and skills developmen­t.

“We recognise that one of the key objectives of NDS1 is to create employment opportunit­ies for Zimbabwean citizens as His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe says ‘leaving no one and no place behind’.”

Since his inaugurati­on in 2017, President Mnangangwa has emphasised the need to grow the economy and has emphasised the need to have local companies implementi­ng capital intensive projects. All the companies working on national roads constructi­on are locally owned and have proved to be capable of delivering quality work.

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