The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Media urged to bridge informatio­n gap

- Ray Bande in MUTARE

THE media must live up to its important role of bridging the gap between rural and urban areas and facilitiat­ing two-way communicat­ion between the Government and the citizens, the Permanent Secretary for Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services, Mr Nick Mangwana, said yesterday.

Speaking at his Ministry’s strategic planning review workshop at Leopard Rock Hotel in Vumba near Mutare, Mr Mangwana said the mandate of his Ministry, with the aid of stakeholde­rs in the sector, was to develop and project a national view point, bridge the rural-urban and north-south informatio­n divides, and to articulate and promote Government policies and programmes.

The theme of the workshop is: “Re-engineerin­g informatio­n, publicity and broadcasti­ng services to facilitate a two-way communicat­ion strategy.”

“As we work on our annual plan this week, let us be guided by our mandate as a Ministry. That is to develop a policy and legal framework that promotes growth of a modern and vibrant informatio­n and broadcasti­ng industry.

“Our mandate is to develop and project a national view point, bridge the rural-urban and north-south informatio­n divides, articulate and promote Government policies and programmes, facilitate a two-way communicat­ion between Government and citizenry, build a good image of the country, develop a diverse and plural media industry for Zimbabwe as well as celebrate Zimbabwe’s cultural achievemen­ts and values,” Mr Mangwana said.

He commended staff in the Ministry for living up to expectatio­ns during the harmonised elections held this year.

“I start by commending you all for a job well done in the year under review, which was a very busy and demanding year, as we held our harmonised elections. You withstood the pressure and made sure we delivered what was expected of us as a Ministry and even went beyond.

“Most of you pulled long irregular hours and even used your own resources at times. It was not business as usual, and the Ministry managed to shine against all odds.

“The good job we all did as a Ministry is reflected not only in the positive feedback we received from stakeholde­rs and clients, but also the fact that I am here addressing you as your Permanent Secretary still,” Mr Mangwana said.

The Minister of Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services, Dr Jenfan Muswere, is expected to deliver a keynote address at the workshop tomorrow.

Among the expected outputs of the workshop are reviewing the strategic plan, 2024 annual plan and the 2024 performanc­e contracts.

 ?? ?? Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Permanent Secretary Mr Nick Mangwana speaks at the ministry’s Strategic Plan Review workshop in Vumba yesterday
Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Permanent Secretary Mr Nick Mangwana speaks at the ministry’s Strategic Plan Review workshop in Vumba yesterday

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