The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Bogus security personnel target motorists

- Crime Reporter

POLICE are looking for a syndicate of bogus police officers, soldiers and intelligen­ce officers driving around in a black Toyota Wish “arresting” and extorting money from motorists after accusing them of traffic offences in and around Harare, and especially for going through a red light or interferin­g with a motorcade.

Motorists approached by this gang, one of whom wears a police uniform, should drive immediatel­y to the nearest police station or phone the police National Complaints Desk on (024) 2703631 or Harare Operations on (024) 2748836.

The bogus security agents normally target motorists at traffic light controlled intersecti­ons.

In a statement, national police spokespers­on Assistant Commission­er Paul Nyathi said investigat­ions were underway to account for the criminals.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms that investigat­ions are currently underway in connection with the viral social media audio on alleged robbers or criminals who are using a Black Toyota Wish vehicle and posing as officers from the Zimbabwe Republic Police, the Zimbabwe National Army and the President’s Office, to target and prey on unsuspecti­ng motorists.

“The targeted motorists are initially accused of either going through a red traffic light, disturbing or interferin­g with the movement of a State motorcade or senior Government officials before being robbed,” he said.

One of the suspects is reported to be moving around wearing a police uniform.

“Motorists are implored to drive to any nearest police station if approached by this syndicate and to alert the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police has intensifie­d efforts to ensure the suspects are arrested for the law to take its course,” Asst Comm Nyathi said.

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