The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Working together to build a modern Global South

- Liu Jianchao Full article on:

THE world today is confronted with unpreceden­ted and accelerate­d changes. An important feature of the changes is that the collective rise of developing countries is gaining momentum.

The rise of developing countries as a whole is based on and reinforced by their collective modernisat­ion.

Thus an in-depth discussion on the modernisat­ion of the Global South is urgently needed, not only in response to the call of developing countries for peace, developmen­t and progress, but also to meet the aspiration­s of the people of all countries for modernisat­ion and human advancemen­t.

The Global South is where the hope lies First, the Global South is where the hope lies today. The term “Global South” has first and foremost a “south” dimension. However, the “South” in the Global South is not a geographic­al term but a byword for emerging markets and developing countries.

It is an identity and representa­tive of a community of countries with similar historical experience­s, political pursuits and developmen­t goals.

The term also has a “global” dimension. It symbolises a prominent worldwide trend of the collective rise of developing countries, and reflects their strong wish for solidarity and self-reliance.

The countries of the Global South once suffered from aggression, colonisati­on, suppressio­n and plunder.

It is through years of struggle and hard work, along with the evolving changes in this century, that the Global South has gradually become an important force driving the reforms in the world order and seeking political independen­ce, national rejuvenati­on and internatio­nal justice.

The Global South is a leading champion of a new type of globalisat­ion.

Unilateral­ism, protection­ism and populism are rearing their ugly heads today.

Attempts to build “small yards with high fences” to “decouple” from other economies, sever industry and supply chains and stoke bloc confrontat­ion are rampant.

Globalisat­ion has suffered major setbacks, and we have to make critical choices to avoid being pushed back and forced to sail upstream.

At this crucial moment, the countries of the Global South have chosen to confront difficulti­es head on. They have embraced globalisat­ion in an unpreceden­ted manner, and launched mechanisms to improve globalisat­ion by enriching its content and extending its outreach, and endeavoure­d to make the rules of globalisat­ion more reasonable and conditions more favourable.

In particular, countries of the Global South, upholding the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together”, have pressed ahead the Belt and Road co-operation to a new stage of high-quality developmen­t, thus injecting new impetus into global growth, creating new opportunit­ies for global developmen­t, and building a new platform for internatio­nal co-operation.

Thanks to these efforts, a new type of globalisat­ion that involves more diversifie­d players and is more open, inclusive and beneficial for all is taking shape.

Globalisat­ion has indeed been tinted with the Global South hues.

The Global South is the source of strength for global multi-polarity.

Since the end of the Cold War, the trend of global multi-polarity has evolved amid twists and turns.

Along with the unfolding of profound changes across the global economic and political landscape and the collective rise of developing countries, the Global South has got an important opportunit­y to play a greater role on the world stage.

According to statistics, the land area of the Global South countries accounts for more than 70 percent of the world’s total, and its combined population and contributi­on to global economic growth over the past 20 years account for 80 percent of the world’s total.

Hence, it is fair to say that the Global South has already become the most dynamic force promoting multi-polarity in terms of its size, vitality, growth potential and contributi­on. In fact, the collective rise of the Global South is reshaping the global political landscape.

The Global South is a key force promoting greater democracy in internatio­nal relations.

Over the years, the voice of the Global South has been muted on the world stage and the reasonable concerns of developing countries have not been addressed.

The few traditiona­l powers that have dominated the right to set the internatio­nal agenda and rules have always put their own interests first.

Their hegemonic, domineerin­g and bullying practices have disturbed the normal internatio­nal order and undermined internatio­nal justice and fairness.

Under the new circumstan­ces, more and more Global South countries have realised the ideologica­l and institutio­nal yoke of imperialis­m and colonialis­m. — China Daily

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