The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Delta to commission new sorghum beer plant in SA


volumes grew 4 percent to 2 173 000 hectoliter­s compared to 2 084 in the comparable period.

“The new Chibuku Super plant at the Harare Brewery was commission­ed at the end of September and will contribute to volume in the second half of the year.

“This investment will assist in closing the supply gaps in both the domestic and regional markets,” said Delta.

In Zambia, Natbrew paced the fastest in the sorghum beer segment with a 67 percent jump to 647 000 hectoliter­s. Despite the volume growth, the Zambian unit’s financial performanc­e was adversely impacted by rising costs, especially the price of maize.

“The volume recovery at Natbrew Plc (Zambia) continued, recording a growth of 67 percent for the six months, driven by Chibuku Super and returnable packs and increased market penetratio­n. The financial performanc­e has been negatively impacted by the steep rise in maize prices and cost increases on imported materials,” said Delta.

In terms of financial performanc­e, revenue increased by 164 percent to $1,9 trillion in inflation-adjusted terms compared to a growth of 879 percent in historical cost terms and 9 percent in US dollar terms.

This reflects the volume growth across business units and the increased proportion of foreign currency sales to over 80 percent. According to the group, there was an increase in the proportion of domestic transactio­ns settled in foreign currency.

The earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) grew by 153 percent to $408 billion in inflation-adjusted terms compared to 784 percent in historical cost terms and an indicative growth of 10 percent in US dollar terms.

 ?? (File Picture) ?? Delta says the uptake of Chibuku Super in South Africa was promising, supported by the entry into a number of formal retail chains
(File Picture) Delta says the uptake of Chibuku Super in South Africa was promising, supported by the entry into a number of formal retail chains

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