The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Entries for 3-Hour Endurance Race swell

- Collin Matiza Sports Editor

ENTRIES for this year’s 3-Hour Endurance Race are coming thick and fast with another father and son team of Tim and Matthew Schultz entering the fray for next month’s gruelling race in Bulawayo.

The 2023 3-Hour Endurance Race will be held at Bulawayo Motorsport Park on December 2.

The annual one-day event brings the curtain down on the 2023 motor racing season in this country and it usually attracts top drivers and motorbike riders from Harare and Bulawayo.

Endurance racing is a form of motorsport racing which is meant to test the durability of equipment and endurance of participan­ts.

Teams of multiple drivers attempt to cover a large distance in a single event, with participan­ts given a break with the ability to change during the race. Endurance races can be run either to cover a set distance in laps as quickly as possible, or to cover as much distance as possible over a preset amount of time.

One of the more common lengths of endurance races has been running for 1 000 kilometres (620 miles), or roughly six hours.

Longer races can run for 1 000 miles (1 600 km), 12 hours, or even 24 hours. Teams can consist of anywhere from two to four drivers per event, which is dependent on the driver’s endurance abilities, length of the race, or even the rules for each event.

And December 2 will see most of Zimbabwe’s top motor racing drivers and bikers converging at Bulawayo Motorsport Park to tackle this gruelling race.

Motor vehicles are set to face off in the 3-Hour Endurance Race while bikers are in for a one-hour endurance race on the same day.

And by yesterday morning 13 vehicles had entered for this event while entries for motorbikes are also still coming in with the father and son team of Tim and Matthew Schultz throwing their hat into the ring to race in the bikes section. They are the second entry for the One-Hour Endurance Race on a Megelli 250.

The Schultz will be joined in the bikes section by seasoned campaigner Ian Gutherless who has entered his Kawasaki ZX250.

Gutherless is also reported to have entered his Mitsubishi Lancer 1800cc for the motor vehicles race. He will be joined on the track by Craig Goby who yesterday entered his BMW E36 328i for the motor vehicles race.

Goby became the 13th entry for the tough motor vehicles race. On Sunday, the father and son team of veteran motor rally navigator Phil Archenoul and his son Craig were the latest pair from Harare to also enter the vehicles section.

They will be driving a Subaru Impreza WRX STI. Another veteran Harare-based motor racing driver Richard “Mahobho” Robinson, who will have Steve Murton as his partner in a Toyota Corrolla, will also showcase his driving skills during this event. A seasoned main circuit racing driver, Robinson has competed in almost all the 3-Hour Endurance Races and will be back in Bulawayo on December 2 for another dance with this competitio­n despite his advanced age. The Zimpapers Sports also have it on good authority that drag racing and main circuit racing legend Mano Zevgolis is considerin­g making his way to Bulawayo from Harare to test the other drivers in the vehicles section.

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