The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF by-elections campaign starts

- Sikhumbuzo Moyo

ZANU PF Secretary-General Dr Obert Mpofu yesterday implored voters to rectify their slip-ups when they voted for CCC during the August harmonised elections by voting the ruling party in the coming by-elections slated for December 9.

The call by Dr Mpofu comes hot on the heels of the resounding victory by the revolution­ary party when it retained the Gutu West constituen­cy following the parliament­ary by-election held on Saturday.

The ruling party outclassed the faction-torn CCC party, pushing it into third place behind an independen­t.

CCC interim secretary general, Mr Sengenzo Tshabangu, in protest over how the opposition party affairs are run, instigated the recall of 15 legislator­s of which nine were constituen­cy holders with others coming in under proportion­al representa­tion.

He has also recalled 69 councillor­s across the country.

The nine vacant constituen­cies are: Beitbridge West, Binga North, Bulawayo South, Cowdray Park, Lobengula-Magwegwe, Lupane East, Mabvuku-Tafara, Mpopoma-Mzilikazi, and Nketa.

CCC members that ceased to be legislator­s are Morgan Ncube, Prince Dubeko Sibanda, Nicola Jane Watson, Pashor Raphael Sibanda, Ereck Gono, Bright Moyo-Vanya, Febion Munyaradzi Kufahakuti­zwi, Desmond Makaza and Obert Manduna.

In an interview yesterday, Dr Mpofu, who is today set to launch the Zanu PF Lupane East campaign rally at St Paul’s, said CCC cannot be trusted to run the country when it is actually failing to run its own internal affairs.

He said the upcoming by-elections present Zimbabwean­s with an opportunit­y to correct the August 23 harmonised elections mistake.

“We are on the ground campaignin­g and the target is obviously to reclaim all these seats because the opposition has nothing to offer. In fact, it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that CCC cannot be entrusted to rule this country when they are failing to run their own party,” said Dr Mpofu.

“From today, I will be in Lupane to drum up support for the party’s Lupane East candidate, Cde Phathisiwe Ncube.”

Cde Ncube will face two CCC candidates, Messrs David Nyathi and Bright Moyo Vanya. In Binga North, Zanu PF will be represente­d by Cde Chineka Muchimba while the opposition party fielded two candidates, Mr Prince Dubeko Sibanda and Ms Judith Sibanda.

In Bulawayo, Zanu PF’s Nketa constituen­cy candidate Cde Albert Mavunga officially kicks off his campaign today with the youthful politician saying the party will ride on the confusion bedevillin­g the opposition.

The ruling party held its last strategic meeting yesterday to fine-tune its campaign strategy. The meeting was chaired by Central Committee member, Cde Eulysses Nohwedza.

Cde Mavunga (38) will battle it out against former Bulawayo Progressiv­e Residents Associatio­n (BPRA)

◆ chairperso­n, Mr Ambrose Sibindi, one of the two candidates for the beleaguere­d CCC party with the other being Mr Obert Manduna.

Nketa Constituen­cy is one of five constituen­cies in the city that will have by-elections, with the other being Cowdray Park where the ruling party will be represente­d by Cde Arthur Mujeyi.

In Lobengula-Magwegwe, Zanu PF will be represente­d by Cde Menziwe Dube while former Industry and Commerce Deputy Minister Cde Raj Modi is the ruling party candidate for Bulawayo South.

In Mpopoma-Mzilikazi, Zanu PF is being represente­d by Cde Dzingai Kamamba.

“We are here to prepare for the start of our campaign journey. We shall be doing door-to-door campaigns and our message to the electorate will be very clear, and it hinges on developmen­t which has not been happening under the opposition,” said Cde Nohwedza.

“The work which our candidate has been doing even before he was chosen to stand for the party is there for everyone to see. He drilled three boreholes for the residents among other things.”

Cde Mavunga said the administra­tive fragility of the opposition party presented Zanu PF with a perfect opportunit­y to end the dominance of the opposition in Bulawayo once and for all.

He however, said they will not sit on their laurels as a result of confusion in the CCC.

Cde Mavunga said the opposition has blatantly failed to represent the people of Nketa as evidenced by a lack of meaningful developmen­t.

“The opposition is in tatters right now and is ever in dispute. This gives us a head start to Parliament, but that will not make us relax. We will work and sell the brand Zanu PF to the people,” he said.

“As Zanu PF, we walk the talk, the works that the party does, including the President himself, are there for everyone to see.”

Cde Mavunga said he understand­s what the younger generation wants for them to desist from social ills such as drug and substance abuse.

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