The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Favourable Second Republic policies attract investors

- Fungai Lupande Mashonalan­d Central Bureau

THE Second Republic’s policies on devolution and improving the ease of doing business have lured multi-million investment­s into Mashonalan­d Central.

Notable investors are fertiliser manufactur­ing company Fertiliser Seed and Grain, Invictus Energy Limited now prospectin­g for gas and oil in Mbire-Muzarabani, and several mining giants including Eureka Gold Mine, Freda Rebecca, Shamva Gold Mine and Bindura Nickel Corporatio­n.

The latest addition is Chilmund Chemicals (Pvt) Limited, which manufactur­es water treatment chemical aluminium sulphate in a new plant commission­ed by President Mnangagwa recently.

Chilmund Chemicals was establishe­d by Zimbabwean­s who took advantage of investment opportunit­ies availed by the Second Republic, in line with President Mnangagwa’s “Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo/Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikaz­i balo”.

Its production capacity is 10 tonnes per hour of granular sulphate and 20 tonnes per hour of liquid aluminium sulphate, enough to supply the whole country and export to the region.

Aluminium sulphate is one of the primary three treatment chemicals, used to purify water by coagulatin­g the suspended particles and letting them fall to the bottom.

With the cholera outbreak reported in 46 districts across the country, Chilmund Chemicals’ business advisor, Mr Nicholas Bhero, said they were committed to supplying the nation and the region with high-quality water treatment chemicals.

“The company is offering all local authoritie­s favourable conditions on relaxed terms because all they want is to see people accessing clean and safe water,” said Mr Bhero.

“Clean water is key in preventing diseases and we are here to serve local authoritie­s and communitie­s around. Cholera outbreaks must be a thing of the past,” he said.

Mr Bhero said the cholera outbreaks may be a result of other factors and not lack of water treatment chemicals, but as a company, they wished to be part of the solution in eliminatin­g cholera.

He thanked the Government for creating an enabling environmen­t for investment.

“The path was not always smooth and importing aluminium sulphate came with logistical problems and challenges, including delayed shipment, to complex internatio­nal trade processes,” he said.

“We received invaluable support from policies enacted by the Second Republic. We received unwavering support from Government

ministries and local authoritie­s.”

After acquiring the land in 2010, it took the company seven years to get the smart technology needed to set up the plant.

“We shied away from investing in big cities and opted for Bindura, against all convention­al wisdom,” said Mr Bhero. “City of Harare and Bindura Municipali­ty have been supportive since we started. The province has been part of our success journey. We have never called out for help and failed to get assistance.”

Bindura Municipali­ty town clerk, Mrs Evelyn Madziire, said they have already informed the Procuremen­t Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) of the need to regularise the local water treatment procuremen­t.

Chilmund Chemicals and Bindura Municipali­ty have entered into a partnershi­p that enabled the local authority to get supplies and pay later.

“Our struggle to get water treatment chemicals is now a thing of the past,” said Ms Madziire. “The only challenge we might face is the breaking down of the water treatment plant, which is in a dilapidate­d state.

“However, we have procured spare parts for maintenanc­e and prompt repairs. The Masembura pipeline remains our immediate project to augment water supply and meet demand for the expanding city.”

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