The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Aviation industry opportunit­ies beckon for underprivi­leged kids . . . First Lady’s foundation to roll out scholarshi­ps

- Tendai Rupapa Senior Reporter

ACADEMICAL­LY-GIFTED children from humble background­s will soon have opportunit­ies to penetrate the lucrative aviation industry courtesy of a unique and life transformi­ng scholarshi­p programme to be administer­ed by First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa’s Angel of Hope Foundation to empower the country’s youths.

Beneficiar­ies will be learning through leading aviation schools in Europe.

Spearheade­d by Mr Seth Van Beek (22), one of the youngest commercial pilots and a Zimbabwean based in United Kingdom, the rollout of the scholarshi­ps is slated for early next year and will offer beneficiar­ies opportunit­ies to train as pilots, air traffic controller­s, flight attendants and engineers.

Commercial pilots fly charter flights, rescue operations, firefighti­ng missions, crop dusting flights, and take aerial photograph­s. They often have additional duties that include scheduling flights and aircraft maintenanc­e.

The awarding of the scholarshi­ps by European flight schools, shows just how the First Lady has captured the imaginatio­n of the world with her empowermen­t initiative­s, prompting other citizens to want to lend a hand in her efforts to empower the motherland.

Yesterday, Mr Van Beek paid a courtesy call on the First Lady and gave a glimpse into what the scholarshi­p programme entails.

“I have come to have a meeting with Amai, our mother the First Lady in regards to the future of the aviation industry within Zimbabwe as a whole and the start of a scholarshi­p programme through the Angel of Hope Foundation,” he said.

“We have decided that in the New Year we will be launching the scholarshi­p programme whereby we will be funding training for students from 16 years up whereby we will be providing scholarshi­ps for them to train to be pilots, air traffic controller­s, flight attendants, engineers.

“We are looking to push towards the empowermen­t and indigenisa­tion of the aviation industry in Zimbabwe as a whole and also supporting the President’s Vision 2030.”

Mr Van Beek, himself a person who rose from a humble background, said he sought to prove that with determinat­ion, everything was possible.

“We are in to provide services which should be like none other and the first of its kind to empower the youths of Zimbabwe for the rest of the world to know

 ?? - Picture: John Manzongo ?? First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa welcomes Mr Seth Van Beek, one of the youngest Zimbabwean commercial pilots who partnered her Angel of Hope Foundation to uplift talented Zimbabwean­s through aviation and engineerin­g scholarshi­ps at Zimbabwe House yesterday.
- Picture: John Manzongo First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa welcomes Mr Seth Van Beek, one of the youngest Zimbabwean commercial pilots who partnered her Angel of Hope Foundation to uplift talented Zimbabwean­s through aviation and engineerin­g scholarshi­ps at Zimbabwe House yesterday.

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