The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Media Commission commends journalist­s for vote coverage


THE Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) yesterday applauded the media for competentl­y, fairly and impartiall­y covering the August general elections, which created a peaceful electoral atmosphere in the country.

ZMC chairperso­n, Prof Ruby Magosvongw­e also patted the media on the back for working well with other electoral stakeholde­rs such as political parties, monitoring bodies and organisati­ons, and police.

“Let me applaud the role the media sector played during the 2023 edition of our national elections. Yes, there were some incidences that warranted attention, but the overall performanc­e was commendabl­e,” she said.

“The level of polarisati­on that used to characteri­se our media in the past elections was not that visible. This is commendabl­e as the media should not be seen to be dividing us as Zimbabwean­s, but should be seen to be championin­g the national aspiration­s of Zimbabwean­s,” she added.

In its 2023 Strategic Plan of Action, despite budgetary constraint­s, the ZMC came up with an Elections Reporting and Peace Building Manual to equip media practition­ers with the necessary knowledge and skills for reporting elections.

The manual was produced with the support of UNESCO, and the UNDP. Over 2 000 copies were distribute­d to journalist­s and media houses.

It also trained nearly 1 000 media practition­ers, distribute­d 2 000 press jackets for local and foreign journalist­s, and organised a national media indaba where media practition­ers signed a pledge to maintain profession­al standards in their coverage of the poll.

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