The Herald (Zimbabwe)

New classrooms bring joy to learners

- Conrad Mupesa Full story on:

IT was joy and jubilation at Turf Primary School in Mhondoro-Ngezi district on Monday following the commission­ing of two classroom blocks and an ablution services block constructe­d by platinum miner, Zimplats.

The infrastruc­ture, aimed at decongesti­ng the 40-year-old school with an enrolment of over 3 000 pupils and 100 qualified teaching staff, was constructe­d at a cost of about U$$380 000.

It also speaks to the growing call from the Government to the private sector to help in the schools’ infrastruc­ture developmen­t. Mashonalan­d West alone has a deficit of 120 schools and at least 1 000 classrooms. Mashonalan­d West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Marian Chombo, handed over the new buildings to the Mhondoro Ngezi Rural District Council, which operates the school.

School head, Mr James Katonje, said they had resorted to hot seating and using open space for learning activities due to shortage of infrastruc­ture.

“We welcome the interventi­on by Zimplats as this has gone a long way in addressing the challenges we have been facing,” he said. “We have an enrolment of over 3 000 pupils and due to shortage of classrooms and ablution services, we resorted to introducin­g hot seating.”

The district is in the natural region four with scorching temperatur­es during summer, making it difficult for afternoon learners to cope.

Mrs Loveness Madzivira, whose grandchild­ren attend the school, was optimistic that the new move was going to see them improve their pass rate.

She and others in the community had watched helplessly as the ballooning population took a toll on the school, but the move by Zimplats has fulfilled its corporate social responsibi­lity pledges.

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