The Herald (Zimbabwe)

UAE partners Islamic Bureau in tree planting

- Columbus Mabika Herald Reporter

THE United Arab Emirates Embassy in Harare, in conjunctio­n with the Islamic Informatio­n Bureau, yesterday planted 600 trees in Goromonzi in an early tree planting ceremony.

It is part of efforts to complement Government efforts in reforestat­ion and afforestat­ion programmes to mitigate the effects of global warming and climate change, which have become a global problem.

Speaking after planting the trees, Islamic Informatio­n Bureau director Mr Adam Wadi said trees were an important component in enhancing the country’s biodiversi­ty, health and food security.

He encouraged every citizen to plant a tree to help combat the effects that come with the absence of trees such as soil erosion. Deforestat­ion was a major cause of climate change and reforestat­ion was the only way to curb the scourge.

“We are proud once again to join the nation in planting trees,” he said. “As you may all know, the tree planting programme is a way to motivate the nation to plant, care and conserve trees so as to ensure the sustainabl­e management and utilisatio­n of our forestry.

“This is important in enhancing the country’s biodiversi­ty, health and food security. So, as a way of allaying deforestat­ion and saving the environmen­t, every citizen of the land is encouraged to plant at least one tree to help combat these deadly blights to our environmen­t.”

Mr Wadi reminded the people that “trees are life and without them, our existence will surely be in jeopardy”.

He regretted human activities that continue to see trees being cut for firewood and constructi­on, unsustaina­bly and without replacemen­t, among others. Globally, upwards of 10 million hectares of forests are destroyed by human activities each year, hence the need to plant more trees.

But Mr Wadi said tree planting alone cannot be enough to reverse the loss of forests in developing countries where there is growing demand for firewood and timber.

“Zimbabwe has forged well ahead in substituti­ng wood with other materials such as investment in renewable energy in order to reduce the impact on forests and as communitie­s.

“We can also emulate such noble ideas and also come up with other local initiative­s in order to save our dwindling forests,” said Mr Wadi.

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