The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Former bank employee acquitted

- Court Correspond­ent

AN employee of GetBucks Microfinan­ce Bank Limited, who was charged with three others for allegedly creating fictitious accounts for clients to defraud the financial institutio­n of nearly $4 million, was recently acquitted by the courts.

Gillian Nyengere, who was the regional sales manager, was acquitted of fraud by a Harare regional magistrate recently after the State failed to prove its case against him.

The other three are Mozisi Machesu (exchange control manager), Tafadzwa Sandi (internatio­nal banking and exchange control officer) and Kuzivakwas­he Mudzingwa (internatio­nal banking and exchange control officer).

The four were charged because they had the rights to access the bank system called BR.Net where they could do some banking transactio­ns.

The State alleged that on August 19, 2021, GetBucks’ chief finance officer Wimbayi Chigumbu noted anomalies on some clients’ accounts which raised suspicion.

The bank investigat­ed and the four were charged with initiating unauthoris­ed transactio­ns, which Machesu would allegedly authorise.

Nyengere in particular was charged with initiating total transactio­ns of $461 500, which she moved from the retail loans control account general ledger number and the receivable­s financing general ledger to an individual GetBucks savings account belonging to Rutendo Mariwo.

The State alleged that the transactio­ns were authorised by Machesu, who would then move the funds from Mariwo’s account into his GetBucks account or into his co-accused accounts where they would access the money.

The charges against the other three were similar, using Mariwo’s account as the middle point, with Sandi allegedly initiating moves of $1 644 203, and Mudzingwa $1 893 107.

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