The Herald (Zimbabwe)

President Xi stresses foreign-related legal system developmen­t


PRESIDENT Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed the need to strengthen foreign-related legal system developmen­t, as he chaired a group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

President Xi highlighte­d the need to create law-based governance conditions and a favourable external environmen­t for advancing Chinese modernisat­ion.

President Xi emphasised that bolstering the rule of law in foreign affairs serves the longterm need for building a strong nation and advancing national rejuvenati­on through a Chinese path to modernisat­ion.

He further underscore­d the immediate importance of foreign-related legal system developmen­t in fostering high-standard opening-up and addressing external risks and challenges.

Calling for attention to the importance and urgency of the issue, President Xi stressed the need to foster a foreign-related legal system and capacity that meet the needs of high-quality developmen­t and high-standard opening-up.

A professor from Wuhan University gave a lecture, after which members of the Political Bureau had a discussion.

Speaking after the discussion, President Xi pointed out that foreign-related legal framework is an important part of China’s legal system.

He emphasised that the fundamenta­l purpose of advancing law-based governance in foreign-related affairs is to safeguard the interests of the country and the people through legal means, facilitate progress in internatio­nal rule of law, and advance the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteri­stics must be followed with unswerving commitment, President Xi added.

President Xi underscore­d the importance of well-structured top-level design, adding that foreign-related legislatio­n, law enforcemen­t, jurisdicti­on, law compliance and legal services ought to be advanced simultaneo­usly.

In addition, efforts should be taken to advance reform in the system and mechanism of foreign-related trial and judicature, said President Xi.

He also highlighte­d the need to cultivate arbitratio­n institutio­ns and law firms of internatio­nal prestige.

President Xi urged efforts to build a strong legal security chain to protect China’s overseas interests.

He noted the necessity for guiding Chinese citizens and enterprise­s to abide by local laws and regulation­s when going abroad, and that they should apply laws and rules to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

The internatio­nal order based on internatio­nal law must be resolutely upheld, President Xi noted, adding that China should actively take part in the formulatio­n of internatio­nal rules and promote the rule of law in internatio­nal relations. President Xi said the rule of law is the best environmen­t for doing business.

He stressed building an open and transparen­t foreign-related legal system, strengthen­ing the protection of intellectu­al property rights, safeguardi­ng the legitimate rights and interests of foreign-funded enterprise­s, and fostering a market-oriented, law-based and internatio­nalised business environmen­t.

Noting that the institutio­nal opening-up should be steadily expanded and trade and investment liberalisa­tion and facilitati­on should be improved, President Xi said effective measures and mature experience of high-standard opening-up such as the ones tested in pilot free trade zones should be timely elevated to law provisions.

Efforts should be made to improve measures and relevant laws and regulation­s to facilitate foreigners who live in China, President Xi added.

President Xi also underlined the importance of fostering profession­al personnel.

President Xi emphasised the need to strengthen confidence in the rule of law, and actively interpret China’s unique concepts, propositio­ns, and successful practices related to the rule of law in foreign affairs. He highlighte­d efforts to promote the creative transforma­tion and developmen­t of fine traditiona­l Chinese legal culture. — Xinhua

 ?? ?? President Xi
President Xi

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