The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Dynamos cannot play in both tournament­s


The Herald, November 29, 1985 DYNAMOS’ wish of representi­ng Zimbabwe in both the African Cup of Club Champions soccer tournament and the African Cup of Cup Winners is “practicall­y impossible”, said Zifa secretary Moronie Mushambado­pe yesterday.

The secretary was reacting to a statement made by Dynamos secretary and acting chairman Simon Sachiti earlier this week.

Sachiti said that his club had the resources to enable them to complete in both African competitio­ns.

“While the Confederat­ion of African Football do not have regulation­s forbidding a team participat­ing in two tournament­s, CAF found it practicall­y impossible for one team to take part in two competitio­ns.

“The competitio­ns for both tournament­s are usually held simultaneo­usly and it is hard for a team to reach the match venue after competing in the other,” said Mushambado­pe.

Dynamos qualified to represent Zimbabwe in the African Cup of Club Champions by winning the BAT Super League.

Last Saturday Dynamos beat holders Black Rhinos 3-2 in the Natbrew Zifa Cup to qualify to represent the nation in the other competitio­n.

Rhinos last year won the double, both league and the Natbrew Zifa Cup to also qualify to represent Zimbabwe in both African tournament­s.

The soldiers opted to campaign in the African Cup of Club Champions and let Gweru United participat­e in the other tournament.

A Zifa spokesman said Dynamos will be given the option of deciding.

In the event of them choosing to compete in the African Cup of Cup Champions, then the Zifa finalists Black Rhinos will be invited to participat­e in the other.

The process would be reversed if Dynamos opt to campaign in the African Cup of Club Champions. The league runners-up will be invited to take part in the other cup.


◆ Dynamos is the most successful football club in the country after it reached the finals of the Confederat­ion of African Football Champions League in 1998.

◆ The team, which is known as the Glamour Boys or DeMbare, has an opportunit­y to rekindle its participat­ion in the continenta­l showcase if it manages to beat Ngezi Platinum in the Chibuku Super Cup slated for next month.

◆ Representi­ng the country is a great opportunit­y. Dynamos has had the opportunit­y of representi­ng the country on the continenta­l showcase on more than 17 occasions.

◆ It is important to give others a

chance. While Dynamos was confident that it had the resources and manpower to participat­e in both tournament­s, it was important that they also opted for one of the two tournament­s to give another team a chance to participat­e in the other tournament­s.

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