The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Cholera outbreak: Oral rehydratio­n points are being set up in communitie­s

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CABINET received reports on progress made in the implementa­tion of priority projects for the 3rd 100-Day Cycle of 2023, as presented by the Ministers of Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs; Primary and Secondary Education; Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture; and Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services.

The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs, Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi reported progress on projects under his purview as follows:

i. The constructi­on of Gwanda New Court Complex is at 95 percent complete;

ii. The building of Chiredzi New Magistrate Court is ongoing;

iii. the Integrated Electronic Case Management System is now functional and system accomplish­ed;

iv. that 30 hectares land preparatio­ns, drilling , sowing and planting is complete at Mutimurefu Prison Farm in Masvingo Province;

v. that 80 hectares land preparatio­ns, drilling, sowing and planting is complete at Hurungwe Prison Farm in Mashonalan­d West Province;

vi. that at Anju Prison Farm, in Matabelela­nd North Province, effective irrigation is progressin­g well and the planned targets are expected to be achieved.

vii. that ten inmates out of the targeted 15 inmates had been successful­ly tested for various trades, while 12 inmates of the targeted 20 inmates have written theory examinatio­ns.

The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Honourable T. Moyo reported progress on projects under his Ministry’s purview as follows:i) The upgrading of school infrastruc­ture in Manicaland, Bulawayo, Matabelela­nd South, Harare Metropolit­an, Mashonalan­d West, Mashonalan­d Central and Midlands Province is 74 percent complete.

ii) The constructi­on and conversion of laboratori­es in Manicaland, Matabelela­nd North, Harare Metropolit­an and Mashonalan­d West Provinces is at 58 percent complete; and

iii) The constructi­on of sustainabl­e and affordable boarding facilities in Matabelela­nd South, Manicaland, Matabelela­nd North and Mashonalan­d East Provinces is now 65 percent complete.

The Acting Minister of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture, Honourable T. Machakaire reported progress on projects under the Ministry’s her purview as follows:i) that a total of thirty-two (32) District Fitness and Wellness campaigns have so far been conducted in districts and provinces which include Harare, Tshovane, Chiredzi, Hwange, Lupane, Bulawayo, Mutare, Nyanga, Chipinge, Zaka, Bikita, Masvingo and Bulawayo. The project is now at 50 percent complete;

ii) pertaining to anti-drug and substance abuse two awareness raising programmes involving culture and creative industries sector practition­ers and the general populace were conducted in Masvingo and Mashonalan­d West Provinces. Further 301 artists were trained music visual art and dance, theatre, film and fashion.

The number of artistes that have been capacitate­d reflect a 20,6 percent progress;

iii) digitisati­on of the music sector is now at 70 percent in terms of completion and;

iv) film strategy developmen­t is now at 60 percent complete.

The Minister of Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services, Honourable Dr. Jenfan Muswere reported progress on projects under his purview as follows:i) that the modernisat­ion of the Central FM Studio in Gweru is at 70 percent completion.

ii) that the modernisat­ion of Khulumani FM Studio, Bulawayo is at 70 percent completion;

iii) that the expansion of Star FM Transmissi­on Service now 100 percent complete;

iv) that the renovation­s of Mbembesi Community Radio Station Studio is 20 percent complete. Mbembesi Community Radio Station has commenced broadcasti­ng utilising provisiona­l studio equipment, supported by training sessions on governance, content production and sustainabi­lity facilitate­d by the Broadcasti­ng

Authority of Zimbabwe.

v) the undocument­ed National Heroes/ Heroines Obituaries Production is ongoing. Research is currently underway for the seven Chinhoyi battle heroes namely: Christophe­r Chatambudz­a, Simon Chingozha, Godfrey Matsikidze (Dube), Chubby Sawana, Arthur Maramba and Swazini Ndlovu;

vi) Anti-sanctions coverage is now complete. Anti-sanctions documentar­y to indicate the effects of sanctions on the people of Zimbabwe across different sectors have commenced,

vii) that Bioscope Interactiv­e Outreach Programme has been conducted in Mashonalan­d Central Province.


Cabinet considered and approved the Principles on the Amendment of the Criminal Law (Codificati­on Reform) Act as presented by the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs, Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi.

The nation is informed that Section 81 of the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe addresses the unique needs and the best interest of children in addition to rights and freedoms afforded to all citizens in the Bill of Rights. Section 81(1) of the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe defines a child as“every boy or girl under the age of eighteen years” and further provides for freedom and protection of children from all forms of sexual exploitati­on.

Section 61 of the Criminal Law Codificati­on Reform Act, under Part 111 of Chapter V (Sexual Crimes and Crimes Against Morality) defines young person as a “boy or girl under the age of sixteen years.” The implicatio­ns of Section 61 of the Criminal Law (Codificati­on Reform) Act is that it creates a category of children (those between 16 and 18 years of age) in relation to sexual offences, who do not enjoy the same protection as afforded to all children as intended by Section 81 of the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe which defines every boy or girl below the age of 18 as a child.

Cabinet reports that the principles seek to amend the Criminal Law Codificati­on and Reform Act by incorporat­ing the Constituti­onal definition­s of a child and provisions on marriage. Furthermor­e, that provisions for compliance with the Constituti­on be made for all sexual offences on sections 70, 76, 83 and 86 of the Act.

The amendment proposes that provisions be incorporat­ed in the Act which define the close in age gap between minors and/or an adolescent to avoid criminalis­ing consenting minors or a minor and an adolescent whose age range cannot be considered predatory or exploitati­ve. Consultati­ons conducted recommende­d 3 years age difference for this purpose. Further proposals include the removal of discretion­al powers of a Social Worker recommendi­ng the prosecutio­n of one of the minors where the minors consent to sexual activity and fall within the recognised close in age gap.

The amendment proposes that the discretion should lie with the Prosecutor-General who has the power to decline prosecutio­n in criminal cases.

To eliminate predatory and exploitati­ve sexual conduct, the Bill will provide for the protection of children living with disabiliti­es and those with unique communicat­ion needs and who rely on a special sign language for communicat­ion which is not classified as official sign language. The provisions will include interpreta­tion of such unique sign language that may aid in adducing evidence in Court and not limiting sign language to official court sign language only as admissible.


Cabinet considered and approved the Principles of the Climate Change Management Bill as presented by the Minister of Environmen­t, Climate and Wildlife, Honourable N.M. Ndhlovu.

The nation is informed that the Climate Change Management Bill will provide for the national climate change response through integratio­n of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions in developmen­t planning and budgeting processes. The proposed Bill will provide for the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, facilitate low carbon developmen­t technologi­es and carbon trading as well as putting in place measures to reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances.

The proposed Bill will create obligation­s for the public and private sector stakeholde­rs to collect, archive and share activity data that is utilised in the compilatio­n of national greenhouse gas inventorie­s, climate risk and vulnerabil­ity impacts. The Bill will also provide for the establishm­ent of the

Designated National Authority (DNA) and the National Climate Fund to support the implementa­tion of climate change adaptation and mitigation actions provided for in the National Climate Policy. The Fund will be financed by a percentage of the proceeds from carbon credits trading, the fiscus, and multilater­al climate finance mechanisms, such as the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund among others.

Cabinet advises that the Bill seeks to align with Section 73 of the Constituti­on of Zimbabwe, which provides for environmen­tal rights, emphasises on the need to have the environmen­t protected for present and future generation­s through legislativ­e and other measures.

Consistent with the Paris Agreement and Montreal Protocol obligation­s on emissions reporting, the Bill will establish and operationa­lise a domestic mechanism for Measuremen­t, Reporting and Verificati­on to enable the country to report to the Conference of Parties (COP) on the level of emissions by which compliance to those agreements will be measured.

Furthermor­e, the Bill seeks to integrate gender perspectiv­es in climate change planning and policy formulatio­n, including the different experience­s of men and women into the design, implementa­tion, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes. The Bill seeks to create legislatio­n that enables Zimbabwe to effectivel­y respond to the impacts of climate change, build climate resilience, promote low carbon developmen­t, establish a climate change fund and comply with internatio­nal obligation­s on climate change management and ozone layer protection.


Cabinet received an update on the cholera outbreak as presented by the Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and technology Developmen­t, as the Acting Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Prof. A. Murwira.

The nation is informed that during the period 16th November, 2023 to 23rd November, 2023 there were 1 744 new suspected cholera cases reported compared to 1 259 reported the previous week. Zvishavane and Mbire are the new districts that reported cases during this period. The highest number of cholera cases during this period were from Harare (705);and Chitungwiz­a (163).

Cabinet advises that by 26 November, 2023 46 cholera treatment camps were set up. Oral rehydratio­n points are being set up in communitie­s to bring services closer to the people. Case management and rapid response Team’s training sessions are ongoing using workstatio­ns, on the job and classroom methods to improve on disease management. Furthermor­e, health education on cholera prevention and control measures including hygiene promotion is ongoing in all provinces. Training of City Health promoters in Chitungwiz­a and Harare started this week targeting 300 community members who will spearhead door-to-door campaigns.

Community dialogues, inter faith discussion­s and sensitisat­ion of key stakeholde­rs on cholera are planned for the coming week in high cholera incidence districts. Cabinet has reiterated that there is need to improve water, sanitation and hygiene in communitie­s. To that end, Cabinet wishes to restate that where the Local Authoritie­s are failing to provide infrastruc­ture, Government will continue to strengthen intervenes. In the meantime, specific interventi­ons are being put in place to augment the following services:

a) that immediate safe water trucking in affected urban areas;

b) that the continuati­on of drilling and rehabilita­tion of boreholes;

c) that the monitoring water quality in all areas;

d) that the provision of household water treatment technologi­es; e) that the repairing of burst sewer pipes; f) that the regular refuse collection and removal of garbage;

g) that restrictio­ns of gatherings in all cholera affected areas;

h) that supervisio­n of all burials in all cholera affected areas;

i) that there was need to have functional public toilets in all public places by involvemen­t of private sector in the installati­on of temporary toilets; and

j) that installati­on hand washing and sanitation devices in all public places be expedited.


The Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities Hon. D. Garwe as the Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce updated Cabinet on the cement supply situation.

Cabinet reports that PPC continues to supply the market, producing 120 000 metric tonnes per month. The price of cement is currently pegged at US$9.34 per 50kg bag to the retailers. That Sino Cement Zimbabwe started to supply the market as at 21st November, 2023.

AS COP28 gets underway tomorrow at the Expo City in Dubai, with world leaders expected to reflect and expedite the fight against climate change, experts are calling on deliberati­ons to focus on details regards the operationa­lisation of the Loss and Damage Fund.

The Loss and Damage Fund was probably the most prominent positive from COP27 held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, at a time when extreme weather events such as flooding and heat waves are wreaking havoc globally and affecting livelihood­s.

Heavy rains have left many people dead and homeless in Zimbabwe over the years, with the biggest recent disaster being Cyclone Idai which killed over 650 people, with more than 250 still to be accounted for.

In Libya, over 4 000 people were killed after the Derna Dam collapsed following Storm Daniel in September this year.

Malawi, Sudan, Pakistan and India are some of the countries battered by floods this year and in recent years, killing thousands of people, making the Loss and Damage Fund critical in assisting affected countries to build back better when climate change-induced floods strike.

Promisingl­y, negotiator­s held an extraordin­ary meeting on November 4, to agree on the sticking points of who should pay into the fund and where it should be located.

The negotiator­s agreed that the fund be housed within the World Bank, temporaril­y, while a new home was explored, and that no countries would be forced to contribute to the fund. But developed countries are “urged” to support activities to address loss and damage, while developing countries are “encouraged” to do so.

The Loss and Damage Fund as a result of incessant pressure from climate-vulnerable developing countries.

Wealthy countries, which are the biggest polluters, had fiercely opposed the establishm­ent of the fund, which seeks to provide financial support to nations impacted by the effects of climate change.

In a speech read on his behalf by Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t Minister Dr Anxious Masuka, during the climate summit in Nairobi, Kenya, in September, President Mnangagwa said as the continent prepared for COP28, there was need to advocate the “expeditiou­s operationa­lisation of the loss and damage mechanism to reverse a disturbing and growing tendency where commitment­s remain unimplemen­ted many years after we agree on them”.

“It is important to reiterate the call for the developed nations to fulfil their commitment­s if the Paris Agreement is to be taken seriously,” said President Mnangagwa.

The Paris Agreement is a binding internatio­nal treaty on climate change adopted by 196 parties at COP21 in Paris, France, on December 12, 2015.

It came into force on November 4, 2016, with its key goal being to hold “the increase in the global average temperatur­e to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperatur­e increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.”

In terms of funding, the Paris Agreement

 ?? ?? Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere (left), Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi (centre) and Attorney General, Mrs Virginia Mabiza (right), interact following a post-Cabinet media briefing n Harare yesterday. Picture: Edward Zvemisha
Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere (left), Justice, Legal and Parliament­ary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi (centre) and Attorney General, Mrs Virginia Mabiza (right), interact following a post-Cabinet media briefing n Harare yesterday. Picture: Edward Zvemisha

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