The Herald (Zimbabwe)

ZENT inks steel supply deal with Dinson

- Nelson Gahadza Senior Business Reporter

ZESA Enterprise­s (ZENT) says the steel offtake agreement signed with Dinson Iron and Steel Company for the supply of over 1500 tonnes of steel per month will bolster capacity utilisatio­n and drive revenue growth.

The two companies signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) to collaborat­e in a number of areas including steel tower manufactur­ing and rehabilita­tion of the transmissi­on and distributi­on network in Zimbabwe.

ZENT, a subsidiary of ZESA Holdings, manufactur­es and distribute­s electrical items including transforme­rs and transmissi­on towers sold into the local and regional markets. Dinson is one of the three local subsidiari­es of China’s largest stainless steel producer, Tsingshan Holdings Group, which is building a US$1,5 billion integrated steel plant in Manhize, near Mvuma.

ZENT acting managing director Dr Godfrey Mugaviri said the importance of that agreement was that ZENT became the residual referral point for the distributi­on of steel across the country.

“We appreciate that ZESA has a wider presence in Zimbabwe so we are going to use our ZETDC distributi­on depots across the country to ensure that we distribute steel across the country, pushing into the economy both upstream and downstream,” he said.

Dr Mugaviri said ZENT had also signed various MOUs with the Ministry of Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t for the supply of steel products to ZINWA for dam constructi­on while ARDA will require irrigation equipment such as centre pivot manufactur­ing.

He said the company appreciate­s that in the building of the backbone infrastruc­ture, it is critical to have to electrify the country.

“President Mnangagwa has created a compelling vision that the rest of the country must be electrifie­d by 2030 to an extent that through our relationsh­ip with Dinson, we are able to manufactur­e all value line materials that will then help every Zimbabwean have decent access to electricit­y.

“Only slightly above 900 000 customers are connected to the national grid, vision 2030 presuppose­s that over 3 million clients must be connected and this entails deployment of iron and steel products,” said Dr Mugaviri.

He said the company had the privilege of visiting China to witness some of the most compelling technologi­es related to boiler manufactur­ing, which Zimbabwe can deploy in its own industries.

“We have also visited companies that manufactur­e renewable energy infrastruc­ture, we are therefore going to develop the capacity to manufactur­e even lithium batteries in Zimbabwe because we have huge deposits of the resource.

“The production of lithium batteries in Zimbabwe will help to decarbonis­e the economy and ensure that we contribute to various Paris agreements that have been made before,” said Dr Mugaviri.

 ?? (File Picture) ?? ZENT and Dinson signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) to collaborat­e in a number of areas including the supply of steel for tower manufactur­ing and rehabilita­tion of the transmissi­on and distributi­on infrastruc­ture in Zimbabwe
(File Picture) ZENT and Dinson signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) to collaborat­e in a number of areas including the supply of steel for tower manufactur­ing and rehabilita­tion of the transmissi­on and distributi­on infrastruc­ture in Zimbabwe

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