The Manica Post

Robbers strike at hospital

- Ray Bande Senior Reporter

FIVE robbers pounced on Murambinda Mission Hospital in Buhera last Wednesday around midnight where they handcuffed two security guards, ransacked the administra­tion office before escaping with cash, a vehicle, rifle and a Chubb safe.

The hospital vehicle and the rifle were dumped at the nearby Marenga Business Centre and were recovered the next day.

The empty Chubb safe was recovered in Gutu, Masvingo Province two days later.

Manicaland police deputy spokespers­on, Assistant Inspector Luxson Chananda, confirmed the robbery and said: “The five robbers went straight to the guardroom at Murambinda Mission Hospital where there were two security guard - a male and female - Nyaradzo Dondo ( 24) and Michael Mutero (43) manning it. The male security guard was armed with a rifle. The robbers attacked the two guards and disarmed the one with a rifle.

“The female security guard was handcuffed using her own handcuffs, while the male security guard was tied using electric cables.

“The robbers proceeded to the administra­tion office where they stole an empty Chubb safe and $960. 48.

“They drove away in the hospital’s Toyota Land- cruiser vehicle. They also took away the rifle.’’

Police recovered the Landcruise­r and the rifle the next day at the nearby Marenga Business Centre.

The Chubb safe was also recovered in Gutu. Asst Insp Chananda said police had made inroads in their investigat­ions into the case.

“We cannot divul g e everything for fear of jeopardisi­ng further investigat­ions. We hope the culprits will be brought to justice soon,” he said.

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