The Manica Post

Nationwide protests an anticipate­d show of defeat for opposition


IT IS unfortunat­e that political activists decide to engage in destructiv­e protests in efforts to de-campaign Zanu-PF and unconstitu­tionally unseat the Government at a time when it is more critical to participat­e in activities that concentrat­e on economic recovery and nation building.

To begin with, #Tajamuka/Sesjikile is an associatio­n that comprises of self-imposed activists who take it upon themselves to mobilise people so that they march and disrupt business in the central business district, causing uncalled for destructio­n of property, violence and injuries to innocent lives.

These protests are usually done at the cost of ordinary citizens by uncanny witless individual­s who have nothing better to do with their time than being unruly and causing public despondenc­y, whilst trying to fork out a few dollars from the West, and advance regime change agenda.

Last year, #Tajamuka/Sesjikile embarked on several protests, which resulted in several lawsuits being directed to the pressure group after they caused damages worth thousands of dollars to property and citizens in general. What the pressure group is calling for is total disruption of business and lock-down on all business conduct for several days.

Shops are meant to be closed, movement of all people restricted, disrupted education to school children and a total waste of everyone’s productive time.

In all principle, the country has to be at a standstill simply because a group of unproducti­ve people has decided so and one wonders how much productivi­ty is lost in all the five days that the pressure group decides to ‘shut the country’ down. For all its worth, how do people shut the country down.

A constant reminder to all opposition and such pressure groups led by money hungry activists is that the people of Zimbabwe would rather associate with political parties that delivers to them, a party with a clear mandate and constituti­on to build and bring the country forward than bring the country to dust.

It has become the norm for all opposition parties that towards elections, they concentrat­e on fuelling civil unrest, giving the Americans and its West allies the impression that there is no democracy and rule of law in Zimbabwe.

This is simply meant to facilitate channels of accessing donor funding and soliciting for uncalled for SADC and UN attention and interventi­on in the governance issues that the country has to address on its own.

However, opposition, regardless of the plain facts at play, decides to turn a blind eye to clear signs that Zanu-PF will always be a people’s party, one that people will continuous­ly vote for to stay in power. Zanu-PF has proven that it is not intimidate­d by spineless opposition that goes with the wind depending on where their funding is coming from.

A clear indication showing how Zanu-PF will continue to be the ruling party is the recently held youth interface rally that was successful­ly held in Marondera a fortnight ago.

No opposition to date has ever managed to draw a crowd that surpasses any of the rallies that Zanu-PF brings out.

There is a general undisputed consensus that Zanu-PF will continue to be the people’s party as evidenced by the different viable projects that the ordinary citizens have benefited from, through the different initiative­s that Government continuous­ly embarks on.

No amount of protests and stay-aways or any form of intimidati­on by pressure groups and opposition political parties can disengage Zanu-PF from the people and the people from their ruling party. Tatenda Gono

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