The Manica Post

Heartless hubby snatcher


IF THERE is anything that Blabber will never stop is speaking for the voiceless especially if it helps preserve the little that remains of our moral fabric.

Only the second coming of Christ will stop Yours Truly! Blabber is currently out of the country on business and will only be back after a month, but thanks to the internet, Yours Truly can still effectivel­y contribute to your widely read column.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that there is this evil elderly woman who is so much into these popular cash co-operatives better known as ‘societies’.

I mean this one who is light in complexion and fat.

Some might quickly recognise her by her small transport business wherein she ferries school children to different schools around the city, to and from school using her spacious private vehicle of the Toyota family.

Gentle Reader, this woman is so heartless to the extent of not only snatching a fellow innocent woman’s husband, but traumatisi­ng the innocent woman and her children.

After luring this man, the wicked woman is now mastermind­ing the eviction of the innocent woman from the company house that the former wife is staying together with the children.

Imprudent as he has always been, at least the man had done so well to secure employment for his older son in the same organisati­on he is working for. So when he decided to chuck out his former wife and kids from the company home, their older son offered his mother and siblings to stay in the company house in his name as a fellow employee of the same organisati­on, but alas, the hoodwinked one is now transferri­ng his own son to another town as a way of ensuring that the former wife and kids move out of that company house, come rain, come thunder.

To date, hubby snatcher and the hoodwinked one are living ‘happily’ as church elders, while children and former wife of this man are suffering.

How the husband snatcher managed to walk down the church aisle with this hoodwinked man, only heavens can tell.

For the benefit of some who might be wondering who the man Yours Truly is blabbering about.

It is none other than that moron with a managerial position in this other organisati­on that deals with water. I mean that tactless guy who used to enjoy playing social soccer to the extent of being nicknamed after a certain Cameroonia­n legendary striker.

Like I said from the onset, Blabber is not driven by malice, revenge, hatred, No! Yours Truly only wants to preserve the little that remains of our moral fabric.

Always remember to take good care of your loved ones!

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