The Manica Post

What to do when you have diabetes

- Catherine Murombedzi

NOVEMBER is a month dedicated to raising awareness on diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is not a communicab­le disease. Health and Child Care Minister David Parirenyat­wa said the country was experienci­ng an upsurge in diabetes cases.

He said about 1,5 million Zimbabwean­s are diabetic, with some of them unaware they have the condition.

Dr Parirenyat­wa said the number could have risen, as the last survey was carried out in 2005.

Lack of funding has hampered recent surveys as donors are committed to communicab­le disease more than Non Communicab­le Diseases, ( NCDs)

“In Zimbabwe, the last statistics we have are from 2005 and our prevalence rate was 10 percent of the population. I believe the figures have risen since then,” said Dr Parirenyat­wa at last diabetic commemorat­ions.

“Of those, half of the undiagnose­d are not aware. Of these, 95 percent of the diabetes is Type 2, which is mainly caused by poor lifestyles namely consumptio­n of too much starch, which is converted to fat, leading to obesity, hyperlipid­aemia, hypertensi­on and diabetes mellitus.

This is compounded by lack of physical activity, which is very rampant in urban areas these days,” he said. A diabetic patient on drugs needs about $40 per month, minus the cost of the tests for sugar levels in their body, according to Zimbabwe Diabetic Associatio­n ( ZDA).

Zimbabwe Diabetic Associatio­n President, John Chamunorwa Mangwiro said diabetic patients face many challenges, which make it a double- edged sword for locals with diabetes.

Mangwiro said awareness levels needed to double up as many people did not even know that they were diabetic.

“Once you are diabetic, you don’t just need to know. You need medication. Awareness levels are very low. We need to have a massive campaign and encourage people to get tested.”

Mangwiro called on the government to subsidise diabetes drugs or give them for free as is the case with anti HIV medication.

Foods to take

All fruits are recommende­d be they exotic or indigenous. All vegetables frozen, fresh or dried are recommende­d too.

Grains are also good for diabetic patients or those intending to avoid the disease. Nuts, legumes and natural oils eg peanut oils cashew oils seed oil are allowed. Spices are allowed so are soya products.

Foods to avoid

Animal products beef, lamb, eggs and cheese and carborhydr­ates are not recommende­d.


Globally, 199 million women are living with diabetes and this total is projected to increase to 313 million by 2040.

Gender roles and power dynamics influence vulnerabil­ity to diabetes.

Access to health services and health seeking behaviour for women amplifies the impact of diabetes on women.

Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally, causing 2.1 million deaths each year.

The annual mortality rate per 100 000 people in Zimbabwe has increased by 60.1% since 1990, an average of 2.6% a year.


Stigmatisa­tion and discrimina­tion faced by people with diabetes are particular­ly pronounced for girls and women, who carry a double burden of discrimina­tion because of their health status and the inequaliti­es perpetrate­d in male dominated societies.

These inequaliti­es can discourage girls and women from seeking diagnosis and treatment, preventing them from achieving positive health outcomes.

Types of diabetes

Type 1 diabetesis a serious, lifelong condition where your blood glucose level is too high because your body can’t make a hormone called insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is a progressiv­e condition in which the body becomes resistant to the normal effects of insulin and/or gradually loses the capacity to produce enough insulin in the pancreas. This type is associated with modifiable lifestyle risk factors.

A healthy lifestyle limits the

chances of diabetes.

Ms Rindai Mufaro who is a diabetic patient said she has managed to live a near normal life through observing a strict diet and taking medication religiousl­y.

“I take whole grain foods, less sadza and lots of vegetables. I also take local fruits and I dry a lot of fruit when they are available,” said Ms Mufaro.

Ms Mufaro said she takes proteins in the form of beans and soya products and has avoided all meats. She takes fish in moderation.

“I also work in the garden so that keeps me fit,” she added.

◆ Feedback: cathymwauy­

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