The Manica Post

Man commits suicide over rape allegation­s

- Weekender Reporter

A32- year- old Chimaniman­i man, Edmore Matsekete, hanged himself to death after he could not take pressure from people who were allegedly accusing him of raping a 10-year- old girl.

Police have confirmed the incident.

“The deceased person was facing accusation­s from other fellow villagers that he had raped a 10-year- old girl on November 5, 2017 in Mukangara Village under Chief Mutambara in Chimaniman­i,” said police deputy spokesman for Manicaland, Assistant Inspector Luckson Chananda.

He said that after the allegation­s the deceased person, Matsekete went missing as people tried to reach out to him.

On November 8, 2017, Samuel Chakambedz­i (62) went to Matsekete’s home in search of him. When he knocked at the door, there was no reply and he had to forcefully knock down the door.

He found Matsekete hanging on the roof beam of his house and his body starting to decompose.

Assistant Inspector Chananda said people should not turn to death as the ultimate solution for every problem but rather should work things out.

“People believe that by killing themselves the problem disappears but people should learn to solve any conflict amicably without using death as a solution and that people should not point fingers at someone without concrete proof.

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