The Manica Post



IN THE just ended primary elections, thousands of people submitted their CVs for nomination to contest. People should not find opportunit­ies in politics but in industry. When our children wake up, they do not ask for politics but for porridge. — Richard Mahuhushe Chauke

The growth of social media has resulted in the loss of reading culture. Books, magazines and newspapers used to be read. Nowadays people just use the internet and browse the informatio­n they want. Reading a story from a book makes one emotionall­y attached to it. Just last week I finished reading Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom, the 1996 edition. It is a thick book but the story is so absorbing. Today students should read wildly so as to improve their language and comprehens­ion skills. A well written book is a nugget of wisdom. Books are written to be read. — Tawanda

The third force is not a developmen­t partner. It is an invisible hand with its thumb always on the red button. It plots the downfall of many Government­s in developing countries like the devil. Already it has created its pathway for post-elections even before we cast the votes. In this context, we throw back to them that a race horse and wild horse cannot pull the chariot in the same direction. Thus, the proposed GNU or Transition­al Authority is way of smoking out our aspiration­s by circling the ship around the iceberg instead of cruising forward. These empty think tanks are up to no good as counter-revolution­ary. They pretend to be feeling for the povo when they are paid for stirring the still waters.— Mutare resident.

It is shocking that those who claim to be learned appear to be blank on our history and the essence of our holy sites doted across the country. It is a bullet lie that Zimbabwe’s spiritual connection is in Israel. Never. Chimurenga is the spirit that liberated this country, guards this country and leads this country. It was not imported from Israel. The same country is threatenin­g to deport blacks back to Africa. Maybe by associatin­g with the offensive forces in our country, the chaps had their skins bleached. — Patriot.

Recent media reports that a Masvingo prophet treats HIV/AIDS are sad. These prophets have gone too far. Scientific­ally HIV/AIDS has no cure. Those who are positive should not be misled. The ART therapy should not be stopped. People should also be careful with these herbs some interfere with drugs making them ineffectiv­e. — Dangamvura

While in Chikanga at a rural area, a visibly angry man said, “here you are, what then did you see? Goblins? You people have misconcept­ion Chipinge.” I believed this man. It is unfortunat­e on this day and age that some still hold sickening beliefs about other places and people. From here, at social gatherings we have others reminding us as the Shangaan that we are illiterate­s. How literate are some people for lack of respecting other groups of people? — The Shangaan

Always what constitute as the main MDC faction will split like a heated rock. Meanwhile, the cut off branches will just stand to dry. MDC always plays the victim’s part when it also perpetrate­s the same. There is blood on the floor. The curtains have been pulled out for all to see them mauling each other. No man is worth dying for. Maybe the seats these politician­s are fighting for are feeding troughs. No matter what is promised, youths should not be used as merchants of violence. — Chikanga

The threat of hunger is real and food is expensive. We have livestock and wild animals destroying crops more than the damage by pests and diseases. It becomes important that whoever has livestock or wild animals should keep them out from others’ crop fields to ensure household food security. — Chauke

I visited one of the many private colleges on pastoral work. Females both who work in them and students are being abused by the so called responsibl­e authoritie­s. Sexual abuse is rampant in these colleges which are operating illegally. Most of the women are afraid to speak in fear of losing their jobs and some higher marks if they are students. The college owners treat the females as potential sex clients. There are sex workers all over but these shameful men prey on innocent women. Police should arrest these abusers. —TM

People should not be used by greedy politician­s to commit violence, we want peace as we go near elections. - Voter

With the increase in the number of Kombis being involved in accidents, I believe government should look for another mode of urban transport. Kombi drivers are rude, move in high speeds, overtake on wrong lanes and stop anywhere they want. A new transport order is needed which can transport people safely. The VID should ban the Toyota Wish from being used as a pirate taxi. This model is too fast, resulting in many accidents. — Road user.

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