The Manica Post

We all matter


EDITOR — In life everyone has a purpose and a role to play. It takes time to find one’s purpose but there will come a day when you get to know your purpose. There are people who just live to discourage others and make them feel like they do not matter. That should not determine your future or what you do in life because those people’s purpose is to make sure that no one is better than them.

At school there are people who see themselves as more important than others just because they have rich parents or have big houses. They forget that before they became what they are they had nothing.

They forget that what they have is something that can just disappear in one day. I always smile when I see someone donating food or clothes to kids or the less privileged. It shows that they know that everyone in life do matter and has a purpose in life. They understand that one cannot find one’s purpose if they are hungry and that is their way of giving hope to others.

There are also people who treat others as if they are invisible and they see themselves as more superior to others. They forget that there is only person who is superior and that is God. Do not let anyone intimidate you and destroy your dreams because you are the only person who can control your future. You get to decide what you want in life not what someone says about you and don’t let anyone hold you back or get in your way.

Even at work, there are people who also see others below them as nothing just because they have a better position. I am not saying that people should talk back to their bosses but I’m just saying that people should not anyone walk over them because they do matter. I always wondered why some people pretended to be what they are not but I realised that all they will be looking for is to fit in. Everyone in this life does matter so we should not let anyone treat us like we useless.

I noticed that in life there are two kinds of people, there are those who helps others and encourages others and then there are those who live to pull others down by discourage­ment. These people will use every biscuit in their baskets to make sure that you don’t make it and that you lose confidence. Don’t let anyone win over your life.

As Zimbabwean­s, we should learn to help each other because that is what will make us a better country and a better people. We do not have to look down upon others because they are poor but we have to help each. Do not live to make someone’s life a living hell but be a better person. I once read an article in the Sunday mail where a worker was complainin­g about how he was being treated by his fellow workers because he is on anti-retroviral treatment. Instead of supporting him, they talked about him behind his work such that he became uncomforta­ble at work.

We should not treat others differentl­y or as trash because they are sick because you never know one day it might be you.

We should support others and stand by each other no matter what the situation is. We cannot make a difference by discrimina­ting others or looking down upon others...

If we want to make a difference then we have to start by making everyone feel that they do matter, make them feel important, help others and support others.

Do not let anyone intimidate you or look down upon you. Know that you do matter and you are important no matter what anyone says.

Dolly Chamwarira, Mutare.

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