The Manica Post

Adultery attack: The jury is still out


EVERY coin has three sides and so is the story of an ‘adultery attack video footages’ that went viral on social media micro and macro blogging sites late last week.

I mean the amateur-clip videos of malevolent physical attacks on a helpless scribe that drew emotions of humiliatio­n, anger, bitterness, and sullenness not only among the actors in the snippets but a million more who viewed them. The jury is still out! Some have already blamed the scribe for an uncultured and uncontroll­ed appetite for truffle butter, some have pointed fingers at the weaknesses of the generous yet married woman while others have seen fault in a weak husband.

Blabber has all sides to the story but it is the unspoken truths about hubby’ weaknesses that caught the attention of Yours Truly.

Word reaching Blabber is that the assumed ‘husband’ — the municipal police officer whose name when loosely translated means the one who just jumps for no apparent reason — is not husband at all both in the cultural or the religious sense of the word husband. In other words, he has no religious or even moral and perhaps legal standing to call her his wife. Imagine!

The story got more absorbing when it hit Blabbers’ eardrums that our dear ‘husband’ even snatched this woman from his own biological son.

Yes, you heard me right; he grabbed her from one of his own flesh and blood. It does not end there. Being a football club administra­tor that ‘husband’ is, or perhaps he was, several football players feasted on this ‘married’ woman without the knowledge of poor ‘husband’. Blabber is not judgementa­l and as this drama unfolds, this is just food for thought for all those who already have their own fingers pointing at others.

Blabber will not speak about the consequenc­es of this unfortunat­e incident at their own workplaces let alone the legal dimension.

In case I might be misunderst­ood, Yours Truly does not condone adultery. NO. That, however, does not mean Blabber will not look at the other of the sorry and there it is.

I rest my case!

The World Cup is upon us

WHETHER one loves football or not, fact is the World Cup frenzy will always have a way to earn your attention and for many married men, this is a ‘visa’ in its own right. Blabber was disturbed to learn of how far some medical practition­ers and football crazy fans can go in connivance just for the fans to find time to watch World Cup matches.

In fact, there is a known medical practition­er who has already issued a good number of ‘patients’ with off sick documents in advance on strategic days during the period of the month long tournament.

In return, the ‘patients’ use their medical aid cards that will translate into payments for the medical practition­er.

As I write this, some ‘patients’ have already secured permission to leave their workplace in order to find time to watch their favourite teams in action in Russia on TV.

Such is the world we live in.

◆ Till next week, remember to take good care of your loved ones!

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