The Manica Post

Ten Chat Teenchat with Tentie


IT IS my hope that all you are keeping warm in these very cold weather conditions. Man, winter has never been this cold in our beloved Zimbabwe, I have actually bought booties and am contemplat­ing on going to work in them. Hahaha funny huh? Please keep warm my dearies by dressing in winter coats and staying indoors if it its possible. I mean, I know y’all teenagers hate the indoors you love you some fun right?. Well imma have my fun indoors.

If a rose smells better than a cabbage, it doesn’t mean the rose can make a better stew. Don’t try to compare yourself too much to others. You also have your own strength, search for it and build on it. You may make a better stew than they smell. Have a blessed Friday.

Silence is the fence around wisdom. If your foot slips, you can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips you can never recall the words.

Anger won’t make your problems easier. Tears won’t bring back what is gone. But a smile, and gratitude will make you stronger.

So whatever life gives you even if it hurts, just be strong and act the way you always do.

Because strong walls shake but never collapse.

Hey Tentie, I just want to greet my fellow students at Jersey High School. Oncern Mshategand­a

Hey guys my name is Seal. I wanna say don’t lose hope to the U17 basket- ball players who were not selected into the provincial team (SAMAZ) on 1 June at MGHS. You know its life and it happens. Hope next year you get chosen but if you will be older than 17 then haaah sorry my guys kkkkk, life ain’t fair.

Shout out to Munashe, Marava, Valentine, Jaravaza, Thando, Manhando and Zimbudzana and all the tigers from Mutambara High.

Tentie, my name is Letwin and I want to greet all my friends at Sunnyside High, all U6th students

I want to pass my regards to all former form 4 and 6 of Tsonzo High Shool especially Biggie, Chiwa and Murisa, Advise, Monte and Komufosi. Mafudhan’a

Halo Mudzonga, Magenga, Dupo, Do, HBD, Gusha, Asia, Vidha, Reverend and Kays at St James Zongoro. Only four months left, let us be serious guys. Lovemore Tavengwa

Hello there, hope you are enjoying yourselves, wish you all the best to Marcia, Nyari and Kiki. Love you all. Cee

Sup guys, its Cynthia. Happy born day to Marcia Chauke my dear friend.

I want to greet my friends, Immaculate and Sharnaz. Wish you the best to all candidates. Happie Kashiri, Form 4 at Nhedziwa ◆ Thanks for all your pictures, keep sending them in. If your pix are not in this week’s edition of The Weekender, please check the next issue or the one after that. Love y’all so much. Please keep sending your stuff to +263 771 580 643. Kisses and hugs dearies.

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