The Manica Post

Devolution plans: Boon for Manicaland:

- Kudzanai Gerede Business Correspond­ent

PLANS by the Government to decentrali­ze key economic segments according to provincial comparativ­e advantages will see Manicaland become a diamond beneficiat­ion centre and forestry production forte, a developmen­t expected to unravel the economic potential of the country’s eastern province, experts have said. RECENTLY, Vice President General Costantino Chiwenga spelt out Government‘s devolution master plan in Harare, where he also hinted that Harare metropolit­an province would assume the Informatio­n Communicat­ion Technology (ICT) centre hub status, while Bulawayo will be the industrial nucleus of the country with Midlands province set to be a steel and iron value chain beneficiat­ion province.

The developmen­t comes at a time there were rising concerns among economic observers that the country’s economic structure was too Harare-centric, hence was restrictin­g other provinces from realizing maximum potential to national contributi­on.

Manicaland province is home to one of the world’s biggest diamond deposits yet it remains underdevel­oped.

“Manicaland is where we find our largest diamonds deposits, and they will be given the diamond beneficiat­ion responsibi­lity, the timber industry and everything to do with forestry will be in Manicaland as well as fruits. The Eastern highlands are best for growing fruits. So each province will do what best they know and contribute to the national GDP,” said Vice President Chiwenga.

Trade and competitiv­eness expert Dr Gift Mugano in an interview with Post Business said Manicaland stands to benefit from this arrangemen­t as it empowers local communitie­s to benefit more from their resources, while contributi­ng effectivel­y to the national GDP.

“It basically gives key economic players in Manicaland relevance and it’s in line with what the President has been saying, that some ministers of State were just seated in office so by this devolution it then wakes them up as this will give a measure of their performanc­e.

“It creates competitio­n among provinces as we can now set and measure provincial GDP in line with what is actually the province’s competitiv­e advantage which then combined will ensure national GDP is improved,” he said.

Added Dr Mugano: “We notice the economy is very Harare-centric and this has been stifling potential of some provinces so this idea works and we have seen it in Ghana where each district must export a product, it has happened in Rwanda and even in South Africa where they can be able to say the Cape Province is the poorest in terms of output then you look at ways to improve production in these areas.”

With the province already given Special Economic Zones status, there is great optimism that the developmen­t will also attract sector-specific investment rather than a random call for investment in Zimbabwe.

Manicaland SMEs president Andrew Ngondonga said decentrali­zation will be crucial in promoting small to medium enterprise­s operations in various provinces as beneficiat­ion efforts will trickle down to the micro economy which hosts the largest segment of economical­ly active population.

“We welcome the developmen­t as this will also ensure that even micro economic players like us will take part in beneficiat­ion programmes from the big commercial companies that will be spearheadi­ng production, diamond mining and the forestry sector in Manicaland.

“We however ask the municipal authoritie­s to grant us more working space in order to capitalize on these envisioned opportunit­ies. For instance, furniture makers need more space to operate from as we anticipate growth in forestry and timber production in Manicaland,” he added.

The country’s first ever Central Business Registry (CBR) Inquiry Report in 2015, showed Manicaland province had the highest number business establishm­ents in the country but due to centraliza­tion to Harare in economic projects, the province fell far off from Harare in terms of revenue turnover, profitabil­ity and employment figures.

 ??  ?? Diamond sorting in Chiadzwa ...Under devolution, Manicaland is earmarked to become a diamond beneficiat­ion centre, forestry production forte as well as a fruits hub.
Diamond sorting in Chiadzwa ...Under devolution, Manicaland is earmarked to become a diamond beneficiat­ion centre, forestry production forte as well as a fruits hub.

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