The Manica Post

SDA youths gives to prison inmates

- Tendai Gukutikwa Post Correspond­ent

THE Seventh Day Adventist youth ministries last Saturday donated 100 sets of male prison garb to inmates at Mutare Farm Prison as part their social responsibi­lity as the body of Christ.

The gesture, which will go a long way to keep the inmates warm this winter, put a smile on the faces of many of the inmates.

The event turned into a church service as the 500 youths had brought Pastor James Kashiri who led them into a prayer with the inmates.

The East Zimbabwe conference master guide co-ordinator for Region 3, Mrs Elizabeth Chipanga, said the youths contribute­d money towards the acquisitio­n of the clothes, adding that giving back to the community was part of their social responsibi­lity as a church.

“We preach the gospel of giving and the Word of God encourages us to give to the needy and the less privileged. It is against that background that we approached the ZPCS to tell us what sort of assistance was required at Mutare Farm Prison.

“They told us that the prisoners’ uniforms were old and worn out among many other challenges and we decided to contribute from our own pockets,” said Mrs Chipanga.

She also said they would soon assist the inmates with jerseys to keep them warm this winter period.

The youths also camped at Mutare Farm Prison school from Friday to Sunday during which they studied the two prophecy books of Daniel and Revelation­s.

Region 3 youth ministries comprises young Adventists from Nyanga, Mutasa, Mutare, Marange, Chipinge and Chimaniman­i.

Pastor Aleck Made said their gesture centred on Matthew 25.

“Giving the poor is a divine responsibi­lity given to all Christians by God. In fact it is the character of Christ which we all must imitate. Being Christ-like means living for others, not self. I think as churches, if we embrace the principle outlined by Christ on Mathew 25 verse 34, we will cease to exploit the less privileged.

“It is not the quantity of donation that matters, but the motive and the condition of the heart that gives. I believe what we did will go a long way to help the inmates to realise that we do not condemn, but love them and are always thinking about them,” he said.

ZPCS public relations officer Liberty Mhlanga said they were touched by the gesture, adding that the donation would go a long way in addressing some of the challenges that they were facing.

“We hope that the community at large will copy this gesture and follow suit by doing the societal obligation­s that they are expected to do,” he said.

 ??  ?? Masterguid­es undertakin­g marching drills while prisoners watch.
Masterguid­es undertakin­g marching drills while prisoners watch.
 ??  ?? Senior youth and ambassador­s delivering part of the Region 3 Masterguid­es executives presenting the uniforms donated uniforms. at Mutare Farm Prison.
Senior youth and ambassador­s delivering part of the Region 3 Masterguid­es executives presenting the uniforms donated uniforms. at Mutare Farm Prison.
 ??  ??

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