The Manica Post

Of the clearing agent and Jezebel


IT NEVER rains but pours for this popular young man who did the unthinkabl­e by entrusting his tender heart in the hands of a hardcore and butchering she-devil.

I mean this fellah who is into this fast cash business of cargo clearing who needlessly threw himself in the deep end by luring a Jezebel for a matrimonia­l partner. He had the mistaken belief that his wealthy will convert and nurture her into a responsibl­e wife. Alias, a leopard cannot change its spots. Also, the tiger cannot change its stripes. Nobody can change this Jezebel’s essential nature and the bozzo is suffering ter- ribly from the self-imposed matrimonia­l confinemen­t.

For starters, the fellah’s name has some vernacular connotatio­ns to do with respect and he drives an ex-Jap. The guy is a veteran imbiber and oftentimes frequents this trendy night spot that identifies itself with the country’s internatio­nal code. He dons a highly fashionabl­e flat base generation cap.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that the fellah cheated death by a whisker after being viciously stabbed by his blood thirsty concubine following heated accusation­s of squanderin­g a fortune on thigh vendors and booze. The fellah is lucky to be breathing. Yes, he escaped from the jaws of death notwithsta­nding the fact that the perpetrato­r of this abhorred act of matrimonia­l violence is no saint or puritan as she is a Jezebel.

What irks many is the fact that this hardcore slut, masqueradi­ng as the fellah’s wife, has of late morphed into a dangerous monster that any sane man should detach from to stay alive. The poor boy is under such a horrendous and carnivorou­s matrimonia­l abuse. Though the guy is generous with cash when it comes to bonking sluts, his greatest undoing and threat is not the deadly virus, but this she-devil he exchanged matrimonia­l vows with.

The slut is very stubborn, snobbish, brutal, resentful and jealousy.

Why would a fellah who earns so much be so blinkered to the extent of hooking and hauling such a hardcore criminal into his bedroom. What spiritual powers does this fellah possess to think that she would one day repent and be converted into a sociable, sober, loving and down-to-earth wife. Surely, for as long as the sun rises from the east, this Jezebel will never change her slant to continuous­ly crush the fellah’s heart on the rocks and thorns.

Yours Truly understand­s that the she-devil spent a night behind bars and one wonders if the fellah will draw inspiratio­n from the gravity of the bloody incident to kick her out and escape the yoke of bondage or will sheepishly take her back into his bedroom thinking the overnight incarcerat­ion has taught the blood-sucker a lesson.

Till we meet again, remember to take care of your loved ones. Chikuru rudo! Life is too short.

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