The Manica Post

Mutasa RDC hailed for key infrastruc­ture developmen­t

- Wimbainash­e Zhakata Post Reporter

MUTASA Rural District council has been singled out for honours over the manner in which it has implemente­d developmen­tal projects aimed at empowering and improving the lives of locals.

Manicaland provincial district administra­tor Mr Edgars Seenza, who toured Mutasa RDC projects last week, was left impressed with the constructi­on of 7x 500 000 mega litre water supply tanks, two clinics and gravelling of roads throughout the district. The seven tanks were constructe­d between 2016 and 2018 and include one at Nyakatsapa Clinic, Selbone, DC and Sakupwanya Clinic, among other areas where they are augmenting water shortages.

Each tank serves about 1500 households. Mutasa RDC chief executive officer Mr George Bandure said it was the duty of the local authority to focus on infrastruc­ture developmen­t.

“Infrastruc­ture developmen­t is one of the critical issues that local authoritie­s should focus on. This tour of projects shows that local authoritie­s have a key role to play to improve the lives of the people.

“Our duty is to respond to the needs of the people in any positive way,” said Mr Bandure.

The district administra­tor Mr Tendai Kapenzi said:

“During constructi­on of these tanks, community itself chipped in to pay $5 per household, which went towards the purchase of cement and other building material. We also received help from Cde Opah Muchinguri in the form of cement and slabs, among others. Zinwa chief executive officer Dr Jefter Sakupwanya also chipped in and donated some pipes. The majority of villages in Mutasa now have water coming out of their tapes.”

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