The Manica Post

Rusape should rectify water problems


EDITOR — Rusape Town Council (RTC) cannot be said to be a bad institutio­n, but it certainly has some bad apples within its rank and file who must be whipped into line to pull up their socks and maintain the good name of the council.

This is especially so when an organisati­on hires new personnel with a lackadaisi­cal attitude towards work. It follows naturally that when an organisati­on hires new brooms, they are expected to sweep clean all the dirty corners and introduce a new and innovative culture of doing things and solving problems.

This, however, cannot be said about RTC’s engineerin­g department, where a new captain recently assumed the reins.

Before the engagement of the new engineer, water supply has been fairly consistent in Rusape, and hardly an hour will lapse without the precious liquid coming through our tapes.

Of late water supply in Rusape has become very erratic. One wonders what has gone wrong at civic centre.

Is it sabotage of the new town engineer by his subordinat­es, some of whom have been getting rich pickings from the vacant post, albeit in acting capacities or poor workmanshi­p and incapacity of the engineer to rally his troops and get the job done to perfection.

Only time will tell.

It is our appeal as Rusape resident to Mr Solomon Gabaza to crack the whip and ensure that the new engineer lives to the billing.

Since taking over the reins from Mr Joshua Maligwa, Mr Gabaza has done exceptiona­lly well and set the service delivery bar very high. Surely, one department should not soil such a good reputation.

The engineerin­g department is very sensitive because it deals with water and roads. It is an indisputab­le fact that water is life, moreso in an urban setup where everything revolves around the precious liquid.

There tapes are dry in Tait Ave, Chimurenga, Chingaira, Lesapi, Nyanga Drive and Gopal Avenue, Mabvazuva, Silverbow and Vengere.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I would like to think the previous acting town engineer would constantly engage with resident and respond to their grievances.

The newly recruited guy seems aloof and hardly appreciate­s the concerns of the the residents.

Council no longer respond to faults promptly. Who would want an engineer who is not sensitive to the residents’ grievances?

It looks like the guy enjoys his office than being on the ground to get the job done properly.

Concerned Resident

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