The Manica Post

Lessons drawn from Chamisa’s Con Court applicatio­n


EDITOR — The dismissal of the applicatio­n by the MDC Alliance presidenti­al candidate Advocate Nelson Chamisa by the Constituti­onal Court last Friday has left a number of people enlightene­d on how the law operates and the court proceeding­s in general.

Adv Chamisa was seeking nullificat­ion of the July 30 presidenti­al results and his lawyer Advocate Thabani Mpofu took the entire country and world through a whirlwind of legal phrases and folklore in trying to justify basis for the nullificat­ion of the presidenti­al results.

It was unfortunat­e however, that after the entire hullabaloo, Advocate Mpofu had no primary evidence to prove or support his assertions.

Advocate Mpofu insisted that his evidence was based on facts and that figures do not lie, while continuing to claim that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) played around with figures to give a win to President Mnangagwa.

Chief Justice Malaba was right to question why Advocate Mpofu was rumbling and taking court proceeding­s lightly by not producing evidence to back his assertions considerin­g the fact that the election residue was at their disposal had they asked for it within the constituti­onally stipulated time frame.

The people of Zimbabwe were so intrigued about the whole process so much that they sat glued to their screens, phones or radios to get a firsthand account of the proceeding­s. People appreciate­d the new found freedom that allows them to participat­e on national issues. That also gave them the public an opportunit­y to discern who had ground to stand on.

It was clear that empty vessels make a lot of noise.

Adv Mpofu had no evidence to support his claims; it suddenly became a high mountain to climb as he struggled to make his point without supporting evidence.

It was an embarrassi­ng moment for the MDC Alliance as people began to see right through them and understand the matrix that was playing all this while.

Adv Chamisa’s allegation­s lacked substance and only wanted to prove that he can hold the country at ransom.

And he did hold the country at ransom and stalled the rebuilding of our nation, even to the extent of calling for more sanctions, which America obliged and imposed without an open mind.

A lesson learnt is never forgotten.

Fast forward to 2023, the people will remember how Adv Chamisa stalled the rebuilding of this nation for his own selfish gains.

They will remember how he contribute­d to the deaths of six innocent people for his selfish gains. They will remember how he called for the sanctions that continued to affect the ordinary people while he and his cronies lead luxuriousl­y lives buttered by donor funds.

People will remember how he shredded Dr Morgan Tsvangirai’s legacy and the MDC-T into pieces. They will recall he formed a bond with Mr Robert Mugabe and his crazy wife Grace. The people will remember how he spent so much money on the Constituti­onal Court case when a lot of workers remained unpaid at Harvest House.

People will definitely remember to reject him in 2023. Prosperity Mzila

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