The Manica Post



WE ARE truly in exciting new times. Congratula­tions to the recently and newly-appointed ministers. We will pray for you to lead with honour. — Patriot


Congrats to Kristy Coventry, I hope she will take her humanity into office and help change and inspire others. Zimbabwe is for all regardless of colour, well done there ED. — Matipa

***** Government should act on prices, the way prices of basic commoditie­s and other services have been going up just after the elections is a clear indication that corrective measures have to be taken.— Eddious

***** President Mnangagwa should be commended for his unwavering support for the former first family. — Runyararo


I would to applaud the Government for partnering with private players to establish a new border post in Katiyo. This will indeed increase agricultur­al exports, and also the plans to make Forbes Border Post a 24 hour is a welcome move. The number of travellers have increased and resulted in serious congestion at the border. This move will de-congest the border. — Masanhi T


Artisanal gold miners should not hide behind the fact that they are promoting local businesses and that they voted for the President. What they are doing is illegal and causes a lot of environmen­tal degradatio­n. It is harmful to the environmen­t. Period! — Penhalonga Resident

***** Command Agricultur­e programmes should continue, we read in last week’s Manica Post that Makoni farmers are excelling in wheat production. These farmers are serious and are not wasting land. Keep up the good work. — Ellen Chiya


Dear readers cholera is a serious disease and spread very fast. Let us all be careful about what we eat, drink and most importantl­y, avoid handshakes. Your health is your responsibi­lity, let’s be hygienic. —Mapango Sakubva *****

I’m sure our economy will quickly recover with such people in charge. Thank you, President. — Jokonya


Jeering and manhandlin­g of the Chief Justice and Speaker Speaker of Parliament is unacceptab­le. It shows a lack of respect of the judicial arm of the State. Advocate Nelson <https://­isa> Chamisa should instruct that an apology is made if he’s serious. One hopes he did not incite such behaviour — Hon T Mliswa


The President has called for a zero tolerance to corruption and needs a team which supports his vision to achieve his mission. We need a PG who acts on cases and enhances judiciary efficiency. —Tinei Ganyani *****

The Ministry of Health and Child Care and local authoritie­s should work hand-in-glove to ensure that people have safe water to drink. I hope this nightmare will be over soon. — Citizen


I am happy that the President had the courage to rid of his dysfunctio­nal colleagues, some of whom suffered from combined incompeten­ce and corruption. For the first time since independen­ce the cabinet is filled with political Lilliputia­ns and technocrat­s. The President never ceases to amaze sadists who wish him ill. It appears the stage has been set for a properly constitute­d relay. Even MDC and western capitals have been put off balance and their best foot forward has been rendered redundant. — Ishe Donald Kamba Makoni


The state of Vengere Stadium is not good, the guys who are maintainin­g it are sleeping on duty. The stadium has not been watered for months. What is the problem? Are there no hydrants in the stadium? I had a length talk with former assistant coach with the national team who said the stadium is not bad as what he has been advised, his concern was that council should make sure it is frequently watered, especially a day before the match or on match day so that. They should also work on a plan to remove star grass and put lawn during the off season. — Soccer lover


The level of intoleranc­e is among political actors and their supporters, is unacceptab­le in a multicultu­ral society like ours. Should we be so polarised to the extent of failing to acknowledg­e and appreciate something good done by our rivals. Should we criticise for criticism’s sake. I personally do not believe in perpetual negativity even where something positive is coming from a party that I do not share a similar ideology with. — Patriot


There is need for council police officers to maintain order at the old Balfour Hotel area. As things stand, some, kombis, buses and mushika-shikas are having it their way under council police watch. Very soon we shall witness an accident at Balfour robots. I think something must be done as a matter of urgency and those overseeing the operations of council police must act on this corruption. Guys, something needs to be done, council police is causing confusion along Harare-Mutare road, some cars are being clamped while others are left to go scot-free. These guys are just good at harassing innocent motorists and leaving offending ones. — Harassed motorist

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