The Manica Post

Hats off to PA Seenza


EDITOR — Allow me space in your widely read newspapers to express my gratitude to the provincial administra­tor Mr Edgar Seenza.

I want to thank Mr Seenza for being a real and profession­al administra­tor. He is gifted in his area.

I thank him profoundly for facilitati­ng the swift repair of a long torn and retarded Chiriga-Chikore Misison road.

This road was last graded decades ago and it was really a nightmare to travel on for any motorist.

I could feel his administra­tion and profession­alism when we approached his office as the Chikore and Mt Selinda station master.

He took our burden as his and promised to crack the whip.

He drove down his promise to see to it that the road is repaired.

And true to his recommenda­tion, the road was repaired and it is now a joy to ply that route.

Where we would take three and a half hours to drive on a 30km road stretch, we now take a simple 40 minutes.

The rehabilita­tion of the road has made life simple for us.

Apart from the ease of travelling, the rehabilita­tion of the road has also reduced vehicle mechanical faults.

Once again, I want to thank you Mr Seenza, without being selfish, it is my profound wish that, resources permitting, you once again cause the road to be tarred up to Chikore.

We wish if this could be done before the rains.

Yours Rev Peter Khosah Station Master U.C.C.Z

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