The Manica Post


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YES, vending is a legal business, but not on the sidewalks or pavements. The new administra­tion of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe should continue to walk the talk on this crucial matter to keep our cities smart always. Operation Restore Sanity, a way to go. — Terrence Mwedzi

The President’s maiden speech at the UN General Assembly was spot on. It is further encouragin­g to note that under the Second Republic of Zimbabwe the issue of colour has no place. I figured out that if we put our heads together we will move mountains. The time to put our difference­s aside is now and map the way forward together.

The President’s efforts to modernise the economy will be in vain if we do not support him with worthwhile ideas all the time. — Terrence Mwedzi

Our leaders across the political divide should be united to make all things viable. In the same regard, the utterances by some misguided elements to make the nation ungovernab­le should now be a thing of the past. It is true that the people of Zimbabwean­s are suffering and such words will worsen the situation. — TM Osborne Dam

Our President’s move to amend bridges with the internatio­nal community will help turn around the country’s economic fortunes. Zimbabwean­s will agree with me that ED’s interview with CNN’s Christine Amanpour revealed quite a lot about our future as Zimbabwean­s. This time around we believe in action and not words only. The economy is crying for attention. Fellow Zimbabwean­s, let us talk business, business and business. Despite the current price hikes that we are facing, Zimbabwe’s future is bright. In this modern era, we do not condone the use of hate speech. It is the time to move forward together as citizens.

Zimbabwe will never be the same if we work together. — Mutasa

ED’s vision of building a middle income economy by 2030 needs to be supported, it is not a joke that we want the livelihood­s to be improved-0782349346.

I humbly submit that poverty is the brainchild of extreme inequality and injustice; matters that may only be confronted once the minds that were conquered by the system of white colonialis­m are liberated in a neo-colonial zone that replaced white dominance over blacks with the dominance of the political class of blacks over fellow blacks. — Anon

I further submit that the ills of poverty stand to be greatly reduced if education is redefined to mean the act or process of updating oneself about one’s environmen­t by interrogat­ing it’s essence through study so as to understand it as something that we can monitor and supervise as our most cherished possession in spiritual, cultural, socioecono­mic, political, Iegal and security terms. — Kamba.

Land redistribu­tion was a bold step in narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. — Farmer

In the same breath, if politics is redefined to reflect a practicabl­e obligation to respect social and cultural instincts of a given people then politics becomes the engine of progressiv­e thinking and behaviour. The current nonsense where people are divided along political lines will disappear in favour of an amalgamati­on of strengths found in different political outfits. — Mutare

If the current ED administra­tion walks the talk, we should be able to breathe fresh air once the devil called corruption is uprooted from our midst. Only then will we be able not only to talk about the need for an agreed national agenda, but we will also be able to see it to fruition. That sad, it calls for both the ruling administra­tion and opposition voices to invest effort in eradicatin­g corruption as a national plague. The ‘them’ and ‘us’ divide remains the curse that needs exorcising to create a citizenry that unites to protect good and unites to fight evil, irrespecti­ve of who is advancing good or evil. — Rusape

Sadly, not only Zimbabwe, but all of Africa is overdue for the renewal, reaffirmat­ion and replenishm­ent of the vows undertaken by the founding fathers of African nationalis­m if Africa is to look forward to a future that will be run by Africans, shaped by Africans and designed by and for Africans. Zimbabwe unite! Long live Zimbabwe ! Long live Africa! —Ishe Kamba

I have received informatio­n that Rusape Town Council will be moving around locking shops for those without operating licences. As ratepayers I think it is wise to pay and then negotiate for payment plan. It becomes very difficult for the local authority to offer quality services when we do not pay. — Chiroodza, Rusape

The Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe should choose between embracing change and perishing. No individual or organisati­on can resist change and survive. If the church ignores the need to change its legal and administra­tive framework it doomed. AFM in Zimbabwe has grown in breath and bounds tremendous­ly over the decades and now needs to adopt new concepts of public administra­tion on non pious activities, such as money, income generating projects and assets management. There is need for such profession­al skills in running of the church. There is no wisdom in clinging to an archaic, outdated and retrogress­ive old constituti­on. — Reformist

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