The Manica Post



WHY is the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education silent when parents and guardians are being fleeced by school authoritie­s? Imagine every learner paying a ream of bond paper every term. An extreme case is a local school that advised every learner to bring a mop. — Worried Parent, Sakubva.


Parents should always protect children from sexual predators. Young people are a prime targets, especially in remote areas where such cases are rampant and prevailing. It is worrisome that many girls are being raped, but such cases are being swept under the carpet. It is a fact that sexual predators are targeting children and it is high time Government and NGOs visit these places and address the situation as a matter of urgency. Our children must be protected always. — Terrence Mwedzi, Osborne Dam, Mutasa, Mutare.

**** Government should put worthwhile measures to stop the sale of medical drugs or medication in the streets. Tablets have flooded the streets of Mutare again and this is uncalled for. This is a very dangerous move by some misguided elements wishing this country ill. In this vein, I want to warn everyone in this illegal trade to stop forthwith as this may put the lives of many people at risk. Patients should desist from buying pills from the streets. Government should also sweep clean all the mess and reduce the prices of medicines in our local pharmacies to save life. Only permanent solutions to our national problems can move this nation forward. Good health is our priority. — TM, Mutare.


Some Zimbabwean­s believe that parading their animalisti­c personalit­ies is a show of bravery and invincibil­ity. Imagine the vandalism that occurred when the violent protesters rampaged, looted, committed arson and coerced others to join their mischief. — Worried Resident, Mutare.


The people of Manicaland deserve a pat on the back for largely ignoring calls for violent protests. Manicaland was generally peaceful, as most people concentrat­ed on their livelihood­s. Yes, shops closed, no public transport was on the road, but the point was clear that Manicaland did not act in solidarity with the perpetrato­rs of public disorder. However, people were forced to abandon all economic activities as a result of the terror scare. Blind disciplesh­ip is a malady that, like a viral disease, impairs reasoning and obliterate­s judgment. The people of Manicaland only proved that they are not blind disciples. — TM, Chikanga.

**** Transport operators withheld their service for the safety of their property. Shop owners closed their shops to avoid falling victim to looting and extreme cases of arson. The businesspe­ople of Manicaland did not act in solidarity with the forces behind the violent protests. — Tarondwa, Marange.


How can we rebuild an ailing economy by destroying the little that remains? Do we need to burn other people’s vehicles to force a reduction in fares? Won’t that cause a further rise in the fares as we compete for seats in the few remaining kombis? — Commuter, Mutare.


If retailers are reaping-off the consumers by charging exorbitant prices, why not boycott specific commoditie­s to express our anger? Consumer Council of Zimbabwe, where are you? — Hard Pressed Resident.


Thank you PTUZ for handing over the petition to President ED Mnangagwa last year. Our schools should be academic factories, not flash points of violence or anarchy. Why would people invade schools and force the school authoritie­s to send pupils back home? Why causing trauma to the innocent children? Why would the violent protesters use school children as human shields? It’s evil. — Mutendebvu­re Ngoni,



I am not against peaceful demonstrat­ions, but the callousnes­s of the forces behind the demonstrat­ions. Human right is a term with an elusive definition. A public demonstrat­ion is a human right. Those who share your agenda will willingly follow you. Those who do not subscribe to your ideas are free to enjoy their daily routines. If one is popular, the do not need to resort to force to command a following. Liberty is exercising your right without violating another person’s. Stop the vice and let Zimbabwe recover her peaceful reputation. — Nhamo Muchagumis­a, Odzi


Surely, the multi-currency system has overstayed its welcome. It is mere truth that when the multi-currency system was introduced, it was meant to eradicate hyperinfla­tion and stabilise the economy in the very short period of time. I think that phase has long passed and once allowed to continue it will make this nation ill again. Let us work together and speak with one voice to bring back Zimbabwe we all want. — Terrence Mwedzi. ****

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