The Manica Post

In the news this week


President sets up advisory council

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has establishe­d a 26-member Presidenti­al Advisory Council

(PAC) to advise and assist him in formulatin­g key economic policies and strategies that advance Vision 2030. Vision 2030 entails making Zimbabwe an upper middle-income country with gross national income (GNI) per capita of between $3,896 and $12,055, according to the World Bank’s technical calculatio­ns, implying high standards of living for citizens.

The advisory council comprises experts and leaders drawn from diverse sectors like business, health and social protection, agricultur­e, governance and human rights, faithbased organisati­ons, tourism, education, minorities, ICT, civic society, communicat­ion and media management. – The Herald.

Let’s emulate Tuku: President

PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on Zimbabwean­s to take a leaf from the late national hero, Oliver Mtukudzi, who never despised or sought to harm the nation despite his fame.

In a speech read on his behalf by Defence and War Veterans Minister Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri at the late national hero’s Madziwa homestead, President Mnangagwa said no matter what people achieve in life, they should always seek to protect their country. –The Herald

ED gets 500 buses for mass transport

BELARUS has offered Zimbabwe a facility of 500 buses to modernise its mass public transport system, as the recent visit by President Mnangagwa to Eurasia begins to yield fruit.

The Head of State and Government visited Belarus, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in a weeklong tour of the subcontine­nt.

In their meeting, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko offered Zimbabwe 500 buses, a boost for the country which is moving towards mass public transporta­tion in line with both the Transition­al Stabilisat­ion Programme and Vision 2030 blueprints.

Briefing journalist­s after Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting, Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said: “Belarus has offered to help develop Zimbabwe as a regional transport hub using its own experience­s. Tens of thousands of mourners from across the country and beyond the borders thronged the Mtukudzi homestead in Shamva North to bid farewell to the iconic hero who was described as a unifier. –

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