The Manica Post

The elegance of 24 points cannot go uncelebrat­ed

- Post Correspond­ent

WITH all sober analysis and evaluation­s, what has happened at Versatile Academy deserves consented ululations and gratificat­ions. The breadth and length of Mutare and beyond is replete with the breath taking, yet admirable, news, that the whizkid, ar are breed, Ta ku dzwaMuk uta iri,a 19 year old boy, garnered a whooping 24 points at A-Level Zim sec November 2018 Exams: Accounting A, Pure Mathematic­s A, Business Enterprise A, Statistics A and Economics B.

What makes Takudzwa’s academic exploits salivating is that he accomplish­ed such a formidable feat as a student at a private college: Versatile Academy situated in Palmerston­e near Mutare Polytechni­c. What makes Takudzwa’s academic flight even more captivatin­g is that he hails from a family of shacky financial background, brought up by a single mother.

Speaking to this paper, while affording a smile, the modest Takudzwa, nicknamed professor, attributed his colossal achievemen­t to a polished lesson delivery by Versatile staff, a conducive learning environ- ment, an incessant encouragem­ent from his mother and sheer hard-work on his part. The soft-spoken whiz kid acknowledg­ed that competitio­n for academic excellence at Versatile Academy was very stiff as he narrow ly out-staged his friend and classmate Allen Dimikira who scored a massive 20 points achieved as : Accounting A, Economics A, Business Enterprise A, Pure Maths A.

“I say, from the bottom of my heart, congratula­tions to Allen” said the professor. Pressed for more comment, Takudzwa said ,“I wish toenrol at NU ST and do actuarial science, commit myself even the more, graduate with a top grade degree and possibly get a decent job and help my family and mother as I am the first born.

“And to those who have helped me and will help me financiall­y, I will never forget you ”. Reached for comment, the elated principal of Versatile Academy Mr S. Mbonda, who also teaches A-Level Accounting and Economics, had this to say, “Both Takudzwa (professor) and Allen (the general) are wonder boys. I feel exceedingl­y honoured to have had the opportunit­y to teach them.

“These are the young brains that the province and the district in particular should harness and nurture for future economic gainful engagement. It is my well considered hope that the unparallel­ed results will goa distance in demystifyi­ng the notion that private colleges are hangers by: for mediocrity, by mediocrity and with mediocrity. As Versatile Academy we say the best is yet to come”.

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