The Manica Post

Watch out for Riverside College

- Morris Mtisi

IT WAS W B Yeats who said, “Education is not filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire.” Exactly what hard-working business man Samuel Mushambi wanted to demonstrat­e at Riverside College! The fire started off with a little smoke in 2016, took just one year to burn, but three years down the line 2018 into 2019 it has grown into tongues of flames promising to blaze into an academic inferno.

“Watch out those who were there before us; here we come!” The Principal, Johnson Mabvumbe, told The Manica Post. He was hardly able to control himself with excitement over both the one hundred percent 2018 A-Level and 83, 63 percent O-Level pass rate.

“We are here to prove a point. And we are already there. Watch us carefully going forward. We cannot and will not remain small forever. Now it’s our turn to shine. This 100 percent pass rate is only the beginning of greater things to come,” said the former Pafiwa-Hartzel school head.

Three years ago on a lush quintessen­tial private farm, Mr Samuel Mushambi erected a beautiful school that was as beautiful as a rose in a desert.

Humble beginnings with a solitary five brave learners in 2016 slowly crept into what Shakespear­e would have described as ‘‘petty pace” from day to day, month to month, year to year, to the last syllable of recorded time.

Today Riverside College boasts 105 learners sharing 20 competent teachers determined to make this beautiful academic oasis a force to reckon with in Manicaland and the whole country.

Riverside College under the proficient directorsh­ip of Ms Cleo Mushambi, daughter to the owners of the institutio­n, the experience of the Principal Mr Mabvumbe, the Headmaster-Mr Enias Mushambi and the careful and proficient service delivery of the Curriculum executione­r, Herbert Masuka, boasts a formidable administra­tive team that will stop at nothing to make this college a beacon of academic excellence. The Curriculum specialist serves in the administra­tion of the college and teaches Mathematic­s.

The Principal, Mr Mabvumbe told The Manica Post that the excellent 2018 A-Level results (100 percent pass rate) and O-Level results (83, 63 percent) are owed to the teachers’ hard work and team work . . . not forgetting the zeal of the learners to do the best.

Speaking to The Manica Post, the college director, Ms Cleo Mushambi was ecstatic, almost hysterical with the O-Level results that came out as this reporter was compiling this story.

“We are certainly creating stars at Riverside. At A-Level we had Chimalis Mushambi scooping 14 Cambridge points-Maths-B, Biology-A, Chemistry-A, Eleanor Sithambuli at 12 Cambridge points-Maths-B, Biology-B, Chemistry-C, Tony Maunganidz­e — Business Studies-A*, Accounts-A, Economics-B. This is phenomenal.”

“In the O-Level results,” continued Ms Mushambi, “. . . we have Tanyaradzw­a Makombe with 7As and 2Bs, Makuyana Munashe with 5 As and 6 Bs, And need I remind you these are Cambridge points? We are rejoicing. We are in the seventh heaven. We are over the moon. But we will not sit and be complacent. Just watch us!”

Asked to comment on the reasons attributed to such wonderful performanc­e, this is what College Principal Johnson Mabvumbe said . . . he too, visibly over the moon.

“The culture of this great school which operates on pure Adventist principles makes discipline extremely easy to enforce because the students are well behaved and God-fearing whether Adventist or non-Adventist. Smart curriculum compliance which emphasises the 3Hs, which are, the developmen­t of the Head, Heart and Hands makes us perfect advocates of 21st century education skills,” said the former Elise Gledhill High school head.

“We do not believe in preparing book worms at Riverside College . . . book worms prepared only to excel during examinatio­ns.”

Mabvumbe cited school regulation­s, the Dos and Don’ts, the effective and profession­al command of the Responsibl­e Authority as the pillars of educationa­l discipline needed for accomplish­ment.

“Running a school demands a strong understand­ing of the discipline of hard work, firmness with love and efficacy, transparen­cy and good will. Above these, the office of the school head needs to allow a spirit of participat­ion and involvemen­t. Teachers are not passengers in the administra­tion of a school,” said the veteran school head.

“They need to relate to the ethos and vision of the school and the Responsibl­e Authority and be able to run with it. They must enjoy space to belong and enjoy their work but be hard-working and discipline­d enough themselves, to deliver the goods . . . to deliver results.

They cannot run away from responsibi­lity and accountabi­lity. They are trusted academic foot-soldiers to whatever outcomes of examinatio­ns . . . strictly accountabl­e.”

Supporting the Principal to explain what now makes Riverside College a force to reckon with, Mr Masuka emphasised the school culture which he said everyone understood and valued to the letter.

“The church dictates orientatio­n, protection and discipline of everyone here. We keep our children busy and teach them with seriousnes­s of purpose and love. We act in loco-parentis which means acting in the place of their parents so that the atmosphere and environmen­t of family is not lost. That is critical,” said Mr Masuka.

Mr Enias Mushambi plays the role of a Headmaster. He echoed the need to keep students busy and clinical supervisio­n of teachers.

“This school is oiled by effective teacher supervisio­n, keeping learners busy and inspired and accurate syllabus interpreta­tion. We do that by exercising admin team work and strict observatio­n of the culture of the school.”

The A-Team took The Manica Post crew around the college, including the Science Laboratory, the kitchen and dining-hall, junior and senior girls’ hostels. This place is a small university.

That summarises the standards. I have a feeling ‘university’ is an understate­ment. This is a place where everybody . . . each in his or her way, including the students, makes an effort to keep the college the best example of everything.

The school captains, both the boy (Kelvin Manjoro) and girl (Charlene Sakarombe) and their lieutenant­s, vice head-boy (Musukutwa Pleasant) and vice head-girl (Anotidaish­e Kandwe) are all an unmistakab­le representa­tion of the school culture and standards. As captains of the student ‘‘politburo’’ you see them, talk to them, ask them questions, and instantly you conclude another of the college’s unsung heroism: leadership training. They are perfect examples of student leaders even here in a highschool-cum college scenario. It is like a children’s ‘‘university’’.

Riverside College enrols out-of Zimbabwe students, so far notably from Mozambique and Uganda. Even parents in the Diaspora have confidence in this ‘‘small England’’ in the middle of nowhere where they get the best value for their money. And happy that their children are doing extremely well even in the study of English Language which is foreign to them! A perfect example of this kind of language brilliance is found in Irae Chicudo, a proud beautiful girl from Mozambique who came to Riverside hardly able to speak one English word.

She had a straight ‘A’ grade in English in both Cambridge and ZimSec examinatio­ns.

She has come back to Riverside this year to do lower six. . .and a brother heartily joins her at the school. Why Not? Another exclusive story for another week! Do not miss this special story featuring this unique Riverside foreign students’ programme attracting more and more first-class performers.

Well done Riverside College! The Manica Post gladly shares your dream of stopping at nothing to offer the best education possible in Manicaland.

 ??  ?? Riverside Admin: (from left) Mr H.Masuka, Principal J. Mabvumbe, E. Mushambi. (Missing from picture, college director-Ms Mushambi)
Riverside Admin: (from left) Mr H.Masuka, Principal J. Mabvumbe, E. Mushambi. (Missing from picture, college director-Ms Mushambi)
 ??  ?? Student leaders: (from left) Pleasant Musukutwa, Kelvin Manjoro, Charlene Sakarombe, Anotidaish­e Kandwe
Student leaders: (from left) Pleasant Musukutwa, Kelvin Manjoro, Charlene Sakarombe, Anotidaish­e Kandwe
 ??  ?? School Bus...Mr Mabvumbe shows off the college asset
School Bus...Mr Mabvumbe shows off the college asset
 ??  ?? God bless our food: In the dining Hall
God bless our food: In the dining Hall
 ??  ?? Students proudly walk around the school grounds
Students proudly walk around the school grounds
 ??  ?? Part of student body pose for group photo
Part of student body pose for group photo
 ??  ?? In the girls' hostels
In the girls' hostels
 ??  ??

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