The Manica Post

Sending kids to foreign school is good, but…


YOURS Truly is always motivated by the need to preserve the little that remains of our moral fabric, and nobody will stop Blabber from fighting against forces bent on turning our Motherland into a melting pot of morals.

To this end, I have opted to play the big auntie’s role by helping parents with a few notes on raising responsibl­e children.

It is good to send our children to foreign lands for schooling, but the trend of late revealed the sad story of graduates returning home showing moral bankruptcy than academic skills mastered in the Diaspora.

Blabber is not just hallucinat­ing because there are living examples of iniquitous behaviour being exuded by some graduates from foreign lands.

One such good example is this other young woman who used to be a nice girl before she went to study in the Diaspora.

We all knew her as a well behaved young girl who showed potential for a better and decent future back in that hood whose name has something to do with water.

Her parents, through their links, enrolled the poor girl for tertiary studies in that other country known for different products that do not last long.

Now that the young woman is back home, and Yours Truly feels it is time she exudes all the good skills mastered overseas.

Alas, she must have learnt nothing, but tomfoolery and thuggery in the Diaspora.

With her silver ride, gentle reader, generous as she is, she is now a bar hopper.

She has become a common sight at all watering holes in the city centre and around.

Just as her first name has connotatio­ns of happiness, she is living a life of ‘happiness’ that we all know she will soon regret.

If you have been wondering who exactly is the person who recently snatched her friends’ boyfriend in last week’s insertion, she is the one I was blabbering about.

Yes, our wretched Jezebel sister is indeed the one who recently snatched the former mining industry worker from her friend who also happened to have snatched this man from his wife.

What hurts Blabber the most is that this young woman had shown so much promise of a decent life as she grew up, but today she is now a slut practicing her trade in broad daylight.

Blabber does not wish ill luck on anyone as it is unAfrican, but I can assure you gentle reader that this kind of happiness will not last long.

After all, with the rate at which she is dating different men as long as they can afford her the next meal, we all know what awaits her!

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