The Manica Post

Make it a PHAT, not FAT movement

- Ann Ruthenburg

HELLO readers, this is February 2019 and I hope your optimism is inflating. Pessimism is unproducti­ve.

Positivity is like a magnet that attracts your way the blessings meant for you.

This week I will focus is on a subject that drew my attention on television — the Fat Girls Movement.

By nature, movements are coined by a minority group that feels marginalis­ed.

But this is Zimbabwe, where the majority of ladies are voluptuous.

As I listened to the television discussion, I concluded that while the girls had some valid points, they were not good enough to result in the formation of such a group.

This is my take . . .

Not everything happening in the fashion world is relevant to Africa and Zimbabwe in particular.

Take time to scrutinise and understand these things before embracing them. Internatio­nally, the fashion world was and still is partly run by slim or skinny girls.

It is a fact that most European girls were slim and one had to be pencil slim to penetrate the fashion and beauty world.

It became a trend for decades, but as the world evolved with the influx of different races into European, this trend changed drasticall­y.

The introducti­on of curvaceous Brazilians, among other non-European models was an admission that the “slim girl” rule discrimina­ted against other women who had everything to succeed in the fashion world, except the fact that they had curves. So the Fat Girl Movement or Curvy Girl Movement or Big Girl Movement took traction.

The emergence of the J-Los and Kim Kardashion­s on the fashion scene proved that big was beautiful.

Since then fuller sized models started a movement to fight for the right to be treated like their slim counterpar­ts.

As a result, designers started making and showcasing clothing for the larger women.

However, this is Africa where the larger percentage of women is curvaceous. In fact there is a relatively good balance between the healthy slim figured ladies and their curvaceous counterpar­ts.

So to start a Curvy Girl Movement in Africa and more so in Zimbabwe, is seriously misaligned, given the fact that beauty pageants are now being held for the larger women.

The issue here is not about curvy girls being sidelined. Focus should be on ensuring that designers make more stylish clothes for curvy women.

We need fashion shows that specifical­ly showcase curvy girl clothing.

I suggest that the ladies redefine and reshape their vision to focus on the reality of our nation, instead of adopting something that is out of sync with us.

The other point I want to make is that these ladies should avoid overdoing things.

One of them propagated for a show-off of the cellulite on thighs and wearing of tops that reveal their fuller breasts for the world to see and appreciate their bodies.

That is not how you go about it. Forcing your flesh on other people is no longer a Fat Girl Movement. It’s either abuse or insecurity. It is a totally different issue to the cause being fought for.

Cellulite is not a fat girl issue, but something that affects both small and curvy women.

Large breasts are not a curvy girl issue alone, but many slim women have sizeable breasts too.

So ladies, don’t adopt something that you do not fully understand. Do not just join these movements for the sake of it.

Put your voice to the PHAT, not FAT movement.

Until next week, God bless.

◆ Fashion Diva can be contacted on 0719933845 during working hours (only).

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