The Manica Post



LET us stop blaming the current Government for the sins of the past. What kind of people are we guys? What pains me is that those who sabotage the economy are talking dirty and spoiling the society. Mega businesses are behaving like gods, they overcharge poor customers and blame it on the Government. They argue that they are importing their products in USD, but surely is there any justificat­ion to charge their products more than five times the normal price? Where are our morals? — Speak Against Injustice.


The abuse of the social media is an ever present vice. There are some people who enjoy causing panic and they have found a perfect platform in the social media. Members of the public need more discernmen­t when they explore the social media. There are some people who post lies that tarnish the image of our national institutio­ns just for fun. Nothing can stop these people and the only armour against their machinatio­ns is discernmen­t — Nhamo Muchagumis­a, Penhalonga.


Parents should always protect children from sexual predators. Young people are a prime targets, especially in remote areas where such cases are so rampant. It is worrisome that many girls are being raped, but such cases are being swept under the carpet. It is a fact that sexual predators are targeting children and it is high time Government and NGOs visit these places and address the situation as a matter of urgency. Our children must be protected always.— Terrence Mwedzi, Osborne Dam, Mutasa, Mutare.

**** Government should put worthwhile measures to stop the sale of medical drugs or medication on the streets. Tablets have flooded the streets of Mutare again and this is uncalled for. This is a very dangerous move by some misguided elements wishing this country ill. In this vein, I want to warn everyone in this illegal trade to stop forthwith as this may put the lives of many people at risk. Patients should desist from buying pills from the streets. Government should also sweep clean all the mess and reduce the prices of medicines in our local pharmacies to save life. Only permanent solutions to our national problems can move this nation forward. Good health is our priority. — TM, Mutare.


The audience should not fear to tell the actors where they lose the plot than to say how bad the acts were off stage — Richard Mahuhushe Chauke.


We are told ZIFA has no money. Why do we have people fighting to take charge of an empty barn? — RMC.


During rainy season Macheke Growth Point always experience electricit­y faults. I am appealing to the responsibl­e authority to take appropriat­e measures to solve this predicamen­t — Davey Zind, Macheke.


Parents, let us be nature and teach our teenage boys. I was shocked to read that a 17-yearold was involved with sex workers. Let’s discipline and guide our kids to avoid this kind of behaviour. It’s dishearten­ing to say the least, not with STIs around — Liberty Mahoso, Mutare. **** Ritual killings are a NO. Our people should know that business needs capital and good management to grow. Human blood and human parts cannot enhance profits — Liberty Mahoso, Mutare.


It is a pity that factionali­sm has crept into churches. It used to be the main talk in political domain — Witness.


I am sure many artistes are in panic mode as they try to dethrone the man of the moment, Enzo Ishall, but politics is not the way to go about it. There are many music fans out there who do not want to have anything to do with politics. I love Winky D’s artistry, but when it takes a charge at politics, I begin to have goose bumps. Maybe the youthful musician knows what he is doing, but I say to him “beware the Ides of March” — Wise Words.


Public transport owners who employ unlicensed drivers should also be punished. The use of breathalys­ers by the police is also advisable as most people drive under the influence of alcohol — Nesanango.


May the responsibl­e ministry help curb school girls marriages in our beautiful district of Mutasa. The vice seems to be on the increase. The girls are falling prey to man over 18 and it seems there is no one keen to help. Marrying under-age girls is a criminal offence, yet some do it openly. Letting the culprits going scotfree is sending wrong signals to community. It would appear at if it is lawful and permissibl­e — Mutasa.


Drivers and road users should exercise caution on the road. The roads are wet and slippery. They are also littered with potholes. — Tawanda Mhanga, Dangamvura.


Instead of increasing hectarage for cultivatin­g crops, farmers should work to improve the tonnage per hectare. It does not make sense to shrink pastures and deforest when the areas under cultivatio­n only need sound activation for better yields. It is not the size of land that matters; it is the skill that counts in crop and animal production. — Richard Mahuhushe Chauke. ****

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