The Manica Post

Unlicensed duo fined for selling drugs

- Muhamed Komboni Court Reporter

A NURSE at a clinic in Penhalonga was fined $1 800, while a security officer at another clinic in Dangamvura was also ordered to pay $1 600 for dispensing drugs last week.

Damiano Anglebert (33) of Oasis Family Clinic in Penhalonga was convicted by Mutare magistrate Ms Tendai Prisca Manhibi and was ordered to pay the fine or risk being jailed for five months.

Prosecutin­g, Mr Chris Munyuki said Anglebert contravene­d Section (29) (1) of the Medicines and Allied Substances Act, Chapter 15:03.

On March 17, an inspector with the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, Clive Kamhoti, Detective Sergeant Dzingirai and Detective Constable Chirema were on patrol when they got a tip-off of the illegal activities at the Oasis Family Clinic. They went on to raid the clinic. After searching the health facility, the team recovered the drugs in a locked room.

Among the drugs were 16 vials (600mg),

Artesunate injections, 20x25mg Amitriptyl­ine tablets, 3 200mg Fluconazol­e capsules, ninex25/67.5mg Arteesunat­e/ Amodia quine tablets.

And in another case, a security officer at Mapamba Blue Star Clinic in Dangamvura was also arrested for dispensing drugs.

Roletar Mhlanga (27) pleaded guilty to the charges when she appeared before Ms Manhibi last week.

The court heard that on March 17, police officers who were on patrol got a tip-off that Mhlanga was selling drugs at the said clinic. The police acted swiftly and raided the clinic. They recovered 500x250 Metronidaz­ole tablets and 1000x500g Paracetamo­l tablets, among other drugs, leading to Mhlanga’s arrest.

In defending herself, Mhlanga said she was only a security guard at the clinic, adding that the drugs’ owner was in South Africa.

However, Ms Manhibi ordered Mhlanga to pay a fine of $1 600 or be locked up for four months.

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